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Posts posted by Yamaha_gurl

  1. I bet she would love an easy going male like Phoenix. It's hard to go wrong with a dog like him.


    Loca was 55 lbs. but was the sort of dog who could control an entire playgroup full of dogs with one look. She needed an easy going guy like Phene.


    Interesting. So what time can I come pick Phene up at? :lol


    Am I overthinking everything here? I'm one of those, research, then change my mind, research more...then decide types. But with adopting another grey, I think I'd just have to let Bella decide, just like Kudzu says. :blush Perhaps I should look into fostering? Then hopefully have a fail :P


    Or you can adopt from a group like GLOWH or GINA who will help you choose the right dog.


    Yes, that could work as well.

  2. Thanks for the replies. I'm basically trying to see what kind of greyhound would work best with my Bella. After some thinking (that's why my brain hurts! :lol ) I am starting to see that Bella probaby likes smaller dogs. At the dog park she runs/plays with the small dogs, she almost always stays away from the bigger ones. Perhaps I should start with size, then find a personality that would work with Bella.


    Might be hard to find though, not many greyhounds are smaller than 62lbs Bella right? :unsure

  3. How do you know if your grey is dominant or submissive? Especially if you only have one greyhound?


    How do I tell what my greyhound is? :unsure Seems like a simple question, but it's tough for me (being a total dog newb) to know. On playdates when she runs she'll growl a little, with some dogs it's more than others though.


    Anyone have any links to share perhaps?


    GT is the best, what a greyt source for info...there are amazing people on here, thank you all :bow

  4. Here is the one I use,,, no more than 5 ingredence for me :lol 2 cups of whole wheat flour (or ground up kibble) 2 cups of parmasain cheese 1 cup milk,,,(little more if to dry) a shake of garlic powder roll in balls,,, (size of 1/2 a golf ball) bake 45 min at 350 leave in oven over night to dry out,,, or if you have a dehydrator,,, on high for 14 hours,,,,, done :)



    That one sounds easy enough, I might try it...thank you!

  5. A domanant male tried to mount Bella while she was laying down. She snarled/growled and turned around on her back, and he stomped on her basically. It was at the baseball diamond playdate, all dogs were muzzled. She was ok right after, didn't limp or whine. In the car she looked almost sad, and she threw up all her dinner later on (which was about 3 hours later).


    What signs should I look for incase she's hurt internally? She's not panting, not limping, not pacing, gums are a good color...should I be worried?


    He weight about 90 lbs, and from where I was it looked him he was just juming on her, trying to bite her :(

  6. Bella's owner (listed on greyhound data) knows exactly where Bella is, that's why I mentioned contacting the owner that's listed.


    Glad the you did find the owner, and that there is closure. :grouphug

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