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Posts posted by Yamaha_gurl

  1. Winnie: If I were to rehome Ami I'm not sure that I would get another due to the fact that I'd be fearful of receiving another difficult dog; I knew there would be an adjustment period but I wasn't expecting this :(



    Every dog is different. I was a first time dog owner when I adopted my Bella. There was no transition, no agression, no sleep startle, no peeing....nothing. She took to stairs on the second day, was small dog friendly...etc. It just goes to show you, each dog is different. Don't say no to the breed IF you can't handle her, think about just saying no to her, and yes to another.

  2. Today is Roobie's gotcha day! We got her this morning, brought her home around 2, let her go through the house on leash, met the cats (that was an experience) and went for a good long walk.


    She is currently in her cage and laying down, the cats are avoiding her, and she has plenty of water. (She even went poop on her walk, I was so excited!)


    I'm very concerned, because pretty much since we got her she hasn't stopped panting at all. Even when she lays her head down she's panting. Is this something I need to be concerned with or is she still just showing anxiety at being in a new place? She isn't restless, she's laying well in her crate and not whining, i just don't want her to hurt herself!


    Sorry, this will probably be the first of many questions, especially if the next cat meeting goes the same way the first one did.


    Thank you for doing your research and knowing about how some greys are a bit worried about pooing on leash! I too was like "woo hoo, she pooed!" when I adopted my Bella lol.

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