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Posts posted by Yamaha_gurl

  1. Very good post Krissy. I agree with all of it. It's very sad to see dog owners not train their dogs. I still remember the time you said to me about how shaking a paw won't save a dogs life, but recall will. I wish more greyhound owners taught their dogs the basics: Down, stay, come here, leave it.


    I off leash Bella now, after 2 years of recall training in enclosed areas, and even now it's only in areas I deem safe (miles away from roads/distractions)...but then again, I ride a motorcycle dragging knee into a corner at 180km/h. I know the risks involved, I just choose to live life not at the end of a leash :) < Pun intended.

  2. We are heading to do a pressure test for glaucoma in about 30 min, if it's not glaucoma then we'll see the specialist. However, I've been throwing small treats at her and she catches 95% of them. So here's for hoping the vet (that originally said 80% of it being PRA) was drunk or something along those lines! :rofl

  3. Thank you so much for the wonderful advice everyone! I'm booking an appointment with a specialist, since the vet said he was 80% sure it's PRA...well, that's not 100%. I took her to the vet because one time she ran bumped into my bf, and the other time she jumped right on his chest when he was laying in bed, and she steps on Cleo quite a bit. However, today I've been doing my own little tests, throwing treats and such, and she's on the ball...so I think a second opinion is key right now.


    I know many have said that it's ok, and yes...but we're very active, and for Bella not to be able to run or go to the dog park would be quite a downturn in her life :(

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