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Everything posted by mychip1

  1. we have moved to revolution because of the soft poop from heartguard as it does fleas and heartworm.
  2. JJ and Dustin go to Titan Vet. Dr. Michelle was a track vet at the old Lincoln track. Only downside is that they are extremely busy and tough to get in. EZ uses Dr. Bazaar at Hoffman Animal Hospital in Providence. He, too, has been a track vet. He is very nice, but his associate has a difficult bedside manner....so I usually try to only see him. They are very convenient in that they allow walk-ins and have evening hours as well as Sunday morning. They aren't nearly as busy, so you can always get attention.
  3. I can't tell you how sorry I am for you. To lose two so close together...and to see the heartbreak is beyond comprehension... May they run free together....
  4. mychip1

    Frans Big Mike

    Oh, he was just beautiful.....Run Free.
  5. I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling. The loss of our hounds is gut wrenching...and sometimes the ability to cope with it seems overwhelming....to be let down by the few humans you think you can trust, just makes it worse. Jeanine is right...maybe those people who left you a plant have been through such a loss....to others, it's "just the dog".... As far as your friend...even if she isn't an animal person, you would think her caring for you would make her more caring... I hope you can find peace, soon.
  6. Hi Jim! Welcome to you and your beautiful girls.
  7. He is just a sensitive soul. He will go onto the pepcid next week. Right now, between the carafate, flagyl, probiotic paste, probiotic capsule, and upcoming five days of panacur, she figure we should start that next week.
  8. Interesting...we hadn't discussed that. We chatted about pepcid in the future to settle the stomach.....but not something to relieve gas....something to consider.......
  9. Kyle...thanks for checking in..... He seems much more like himself. He is still a bit "weak" looking, but his eyes are brighter. He has held food down since late Wednesday night...though I had to force feed him a bit of that. He LOVES the new food and has picked out the ID just to eat the Royal Canon special diet. He did poop this morning. It was soft - and looked like it had a small bit of digested blood (as it was dark), but overall, not bad. He is a good boy and takes his probiotics - a paste - along with the probiotic capsule. The vet really believed that he had a bad flare up and when he built up all the gas, the pain really took him down.....
  10. Glad he came through OK...and many prayers for good pathology results. What a face! I couldn't help but smile with him.
  11. The best decision I made was to have two. They do so well together, and I think you greatly reduce your risk of SA if you already have stable hound in the house. Good luck with whatever you decide. From how you describe your yard, etc., it sounds like your hound/hounds will have a wonderful life!
  12. I'm used to it with the horses, Nancy, but not the hounds!!! And somehow the horse emissions don't quite make ones eyes water!
  13. It may be a very long night here!!!...But in a good way.......Keeping my fingers crossed for continued....uhm....emissions.....
  14. Wow...that is one expensive fart! Ironically, just before we went to the vet, he let out a pretty good burp and seemed to brighten. All I know is given how much gas was in there three hours ago...and the fact that he has not been farting, I am bracing myself for what may be coming! OMG...Amber.....just as I finished typing that last line, a certain odor seemed to rise from the warm body lying next to me on the couch....and NO DH is KNOT home!!! LOL!!!!
  15. Update on Dustin.... Had vet appointment this afternoon. He managed to eat about a 1/4 cup of ID this morning and 1/4 cup about an hour before vet appointment. His desire for it was poor, but at least I got it down....but still had to add to it - i.e. white thin sliced turkey...just a couple pieces..... He held those both down. Anyway....when she pressed on his lower belly/intestine area, he yelped! Of course, my brain just screamed BLOCKAGE.....she was concerned as well. However, XRAY showed huge gas pockets. We are not sure why the vomiting....it is possible that the chicken was bad - given the cat getting sick on it - but given his fragile state, that could have sent him into this tail spin. He is to continue w/the Flagyl and sucralfate until the dosage is done. Then five days of panacur.....I am concerned because he drank some water from his little pool. I try to keep it fresh, but if it sits 18 or 24 hours in the heat, I would imagine it could have parasites....and I usually try to dump it, but he may have gotten some. She also has him on Proviable pro-biotic. It's two days worth of paste and about eight days of capsules. Finally, the loss of interest in his food over the last several months is a concern - so he is gradually switching from the dry i/d to Royal Cannon dry with a little wet on top to entice him. I think that would have even enticed him over the I/D. The ingredients on this certainly look a lot better. I have never been thrilled w/ corn being the lead ingredient in I/D. His spirits seem better since he has held some food in. I can't thank you all enough for the advice....and just the comfort of knowing that you all are out there helps immensely!
  16. Thanks, Nancie. That's what I was thinking. The vet is at 4:00 today Kerry. I am heading home from work now...and will probably aim to get to the vet a bit early. This was supposed to be both boys annual physical.
  17. After I got some bread in last night, the gurgles subsided. I think the grass eating desire at that point was connected to the gurgles....Unbelievable. Five o'clock wake up ...no interest at all in his meal...but I offered no tempations either. I got a pepcid in him, though. Came home from barn at 7:30....had to entice him w/chicken broth and (though I hated to do it), a tiny bit of whipped cream (less than a tablespoon) spread on kibble...he ate maybe a little more than a quarter cup. I am watchin him now on the nanny cam and he is resting. From where I can see he hasn't gotten sick, but I can only see one of the bedrooms. He has NOT pooped since yesterday morning. I am hoping that is simply becaue anything he ate came back the other way all day. He is very lathargic on his walks, though. Breaking my heart....
  18. Ugh...now he has those horrible gurgles from going to long without food. I got a few pieces of bread in....and another sucralfate.
  19. Partial blockage can and often does include diarrhea. White count -- response to infection, which could be due to blockage, parasites, etc. That is what the hair scrunchy did to Jack...vomiting and diarreah....
  20. Thanks, tbhounds. I was thinking of giving him another tab of that tonight instead of waiting until morning.
  21. Amber....I am very suspect of the chicken that I gave him..... He was mending until that point.....Then when the cat threw it up, I started to really wonder if something was wrong with it. JJ only had a tiny piece...he was fine. I'm wondering if that caused the bloody flare up and obviously he would vomit up the bad stuff....I would imagine once his tummy is in that state, that he might continue vomiting even today.
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