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Everything posted by Potomacpupsmom

  1. Good morning! It’s gonna be chilly but sunny today. No one habs any appointments today so we get to stay wif Momma and Daddy all day. Habs a gud day eberywon! Ivy
  2. Oh Lupin, Momma is swooning over your pikkies! Ivy
  3. Oooh! Look at that floofy poopie! Plusalso the puffy floofy Samoyed! We are habing a beautimous bloo sky day eben tho it is a leetle windy and cool. We had two really fun Wiki Walkies. On our morning Wiki Walkie we saw a bunny and just stared at it until it hop hop hopped away. Plusalso we saw a Scottish deerhound who wuz BEEG! Angus that meme is You ARE a cow dog! Miss Chris, Momma says she is gonna try houndish in WWF! Ivy
  4. Good morning! I wuld habs watched that bun bun wif my ears perked up and then try to chase after it moved first! Ivy
  5. Oh FancyToo, I am sooooo glad it is knot the ebil C! Sorry about the tick disease though, but at least you can take some medicine for that! Here is my noo collar that Momma bought at GiG: It looks kinda peenk but it is really lilac. We just got home from our afternoon Wiki Walkie. It is a beautimous bloo sky day and the temprachur is sebendyleben degrees! I went to the tortunarian this morning and got my librela shot and got my toes chopped too. Cherry got her toes chopped too. But we did get treets, so that wuz gud! Now I can go since I know that FancyToo had gud noos! Thanks for the snax Miss Jen! Ivy
  6. Good morning! Greyt pikkie ob you in your noo collars Angie and Kiva! I habs a noo collar too- it is lilac-colored and it habs herons on it. I will post a pikkie later. We are going to the tortunarian cuz I habs to get my librela shot today. Backandforf for FancyToo this morning. Ivy
  7. Happy Birthday Lupin! I hope you habs a fun day! Miss Elizabeth, those are pretty lupin flowers! Angus, you are korrect! At GiG, we are the Pettings and ear rubbings and treets eberywhere! I got a noo collar and a noo llama and Momma bought us three different kinds ob treets! It is lots ob fun! Miss Chris, those dogwood and flower pikkies are beautimous! And you habs flowers on your tommytoes! Plusalso the deck looks really nice too! Momma also like the rug on your deck and wants to know where you got it? AndiPants, Momma wuz wundering when the full moon wuz cuz Daddy wuz confuzzled today. FancyToo, we will be backandforfing for you tomorrow. I hope the limping and paw lifting is from that arthuritis like I habs. That's whot I wuz doing too until we found out whot wuz wrong. Look at Miss Ducky re-bisiting Woodstock! You are rocking that headband! We had two nice Wiki Walkies so far today. We habs bloo sky and sunnyshine but it is chilly! Now it is time for until dinnertime! Ivy
  8. Good morning! Miss Ducky and Miss Nancy, we are glad you are home safely! FancyToo, we are werried about you- please be OK! Miss Robin Ivy
  9. Oh yes it is! We got to sleep all day today to rest up from our Friday and Sattiday trips to Gettysburger! Here is a pikkie ob me (Momma zoomed in from across the room cuz I don't like my pikkie taken!) I am playing wif my noo llama stuffie from the Galgos del Sol booth at GiG Pleese ignore Daddy's shoe in the front! Ivy
  10. Miss Cynthia and AndiPants, thank you for all the gud information about that weird show squid games. We do knot habs Netflicks at our house do Momma wuz clooless. it was in the 40lebens this morning and will get into the thirtyleben degrees tonight! I am catching up on lots ob today after our busy days at GiG! Ivy
  11. Good morning! Miss Vanessa, we saw those red costumes yesserday and Momma sed she culd knot figure out what they are supposed to be? The houndies were wearing white t shirts wif numbers on them and the hoomans were all in red wif their faces covered wif black masks and either white circles or white triangles on them? She asked someone else and that lady didn’t know either! Anywon else know? Ivy
  12. We are home from GiG and bery, bery tired! We got ice cream today plusalso watched a costume parade! We had a fun day. Here are a few pikkies from today: Skeery nail trimming! Funny costumes from costume parade. This fambly always comes up wif the best costumes! Kewt leetle Snow White Look at all the tye dye colors! Like Miss Nancy sed, when they announced on the microphone overhead that Nori wuz found eberywon cheered and clapped and got all teary eyed! Aaron is the houndie who libs wif Momma's frends and she thinks he is a beautimous fawn boyhoundie! Gettysburg scenery We had a gud time and are glad to be home and Ivy
  13. Good morning! Miss Chris, Miss Ducky habs been busy wif a search for a lost dog, a silken windhound named Nori who got loose from its owner yesserday afternoon. We are heading back up to GiG this morning! Ivy
  14. Miss Nancy posted our pikkie! We had a busy day at GiG and we met Lacy and Flashy! Plusalso we went shopping and went to a lekshur and met lots ob other houndies! Momma posted a few pikkies on FB but here are some ob her faborites: We are shopping! Momma bought us a peeeenk llama! This leetle guy's name is Rocky and he is a Windsprite. Momma wuz snuggling wif him. Here we are listening to a lekshur Pretty leetle Lacy and Miss Cindy Lacy again. I just realized I did knot get pikkies ob Flashy, but we did meet her. Maybe I will get some pikkies ob her tomorrow! I am really tired and so are Cherry and Momma and Daddy. We will be heading back to GiG tomorrow morning! Ivy
  15. Good morning! We are getting ready to go to GiG! We will be leaving in about 2 1/2 hours and will get there just as it opens. Looking forward to seeing all my frends! Ivy
  16. Momma and Daddy just put gas in our houndiemobile for our trips to GiG tomorrow and Sattiday! We will be leabing early and get there when eberthing opens and we will be looking for MIss Cindy and Miss Ducky and Miss Nancy ob the Berg! Since we did knot know until this week that we would be able to go, Momma habs to register when we get there, so you may find us waiting in line! Momma will be going to the garden center some time negst week to start buying plants for her garden. She lubs this time ob year! She always buys too many plants! She also saw something online for water lotus seeds that grow in a pretty bowl in water that she is thinking ob ordering too. Miss Chris, we habs cleaning ladies who come in ebery other week to clean and vacuum and mop and dust etc. Momma says it is really worth the bikkie monies! Ooooh, I think Momma is getting ready to fix our dinner! Ivy
  17. Good morning! Miss Ducky, we will be coming up tomorrow morning and on Sattiday too. Maybe we could all habs lunch together tomorrow? When will Miss Cindy and be coming? I hope Kiva feels better wif the carrots! We habs some too if you need more. Habs a gud day eberywon! Ivy
  18. We habs had a gud day wif seberal Wiki Walkies. This afternoon Cherry wuz when the cleaning ladies came do Momma and Daddy took us out for our afternoon Wiki Walkie a leetle early. We had a nice walkie and Cherry was much calmer around the ladies when we came back. Daddy had a really gud night last night but today he wuz all confuzzled. Momma is just “sigh” Miss Nancy, Miss Ducky and Miss Cindy, we are looking forward to seeing you on Friday and are eggsited about meeting Lacy and Flashy! Mistress’s moose mystery habs been solved! Pap is home! Whot is Monkey Butt powder? Ivy
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