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Posts posted by Walliered

  1. My grey is allergic to grass and pollen. The vet said to wash his feet twice a day with soap/water. I am trying to find an easier way to do this so I ordered Earth Bath Grooming Wipes from the Natural Dog Shop. Does anyone know anything about allergy wipes? Do they work as well as soap/water? Thanks, Nan in Georgia

  2. When I first got him, he would only sleep in his crate, his idea. After a few weeks he would only sleep in my room, his idea (with baby gate). After a while I removed the baby gate. He has since moved to the living room, his idea. Sometimes he will wonder from the living room to my room. He leaves everything alone, so I really do not care where he sleeps. I have since removed the crate and will put it in the atic when the weather stops being 100F.

  3. My dog appears to have hookworms about every month. He is on Heartguard Plus and I think that knocks them down, but I need to know what I can put in the yard (grass) to kill them. I pick up after him, but there is always a residue left in the grass. The computer is no help for anything that will kill the eggs or larva.

  4. Is it OK to use those little cooling bands with the pellets in them around the dog's neck? If so, do you wet then and freeze them before using them? I used them when I p;ayed golf and they seemed to work about 2 minutes, but I do not know what the little pellets are made from.

  5. Thanks Dee and everyone else. I ordered booties from The Voyagers and hopefully will get them this week. It really makes me mad as the owner told me that being a greyhound he should have tough paws..Told her that he had raced on sand and that his feet were about as tough as a baby's bottom...Guess I will need to find another boarding place. Thanks os much for the information!!

  6. I picked up Da Vid from a new pet lodge today and he is limping. It looks like they let him run for a long time on a "agility mat"..what ever that is and his paw pad is really messed up. Half of it is gone.. it is not bleeding right now. I have Bag Balm, pads and vet tape. Should I just leave it alone or doctor it up for tonight?? What about for walks tomorrow? Thanks so much for the information.

  7. My dog came from the adoption group with VERY loose stools. Took him to the vet and spent way too much money to find nothing wrong. Switched his food to Dick Van Pattens Bison and Potato..his stomach problems cleared up in days..His stomach also growled like he was hungry, but it was all of that meal and by-products fermenting from his substandard food..Your vet will probably try to put him on Science Diet,. just remember they helped pay his way through vet school and he must stock their food.

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