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Posts posted by Walliered

  1. My vet and also Charleston Speciality Vet said they would not do a nerve block on my hounds. My vet hulled them a couple of days ago and for the first time in over a year they are not limping. I know it will only last a couple of days. All of the other hulls in the last year have not given them any relief.

  2. I have a good set up in the back of my Kia Sportage. I only use the front seat of my car. I bought a dog fence from Pet Smart and have it right behind the driver's and passenger's seat. I used two crate deviders and tie wrapped them to each other and then tie wrapped them to the dog fence from Pet Smart. Now they both have their space and are separated from each other. I keep a leash anchored on both sides of the fence. That way I can get one dog out of the car without loosing the other. This set up works for me.

  3. I started out with the crate and it was a bad idea because he bent it and broke a canine tooth. So, I just baby gated my bedroom at night. That rocked on for awhile. Then I just threw in the towel and let him have the run of the house. All was well for a couple of years. Then he decided he would chew on the furniture. So I always leave him with his kennel muzzle on. It does not bother him at all. This works for us. I do have 2 crates in my room (I have two greyhounds), but the door is always open.

  4. Hey Tia. Good to have you. I have two Greyhounds (had three, but cancer took one). Both of my hounds were rescued. I have also put in for a Galgo in Spain and I will also refer to her as rescued. As for the food, I think you are on the right track. Once you figure out what food you will be buying, Chewy.com is a great place to order. I have used it for about 2 years now with no problems. Again, welcome.

  5. I ask the tech's not to shave my hounds legs for IV's. Just put them in the vein. That way they do not lick and lick the site. It will cause a terrible sore from the licking..just a thought. On the e-collar question: I have a blow up collar for my hounds, the only thing is I have never used it..I would be glad to mail it to you. Please e-mail me privately if you think you want to try it. I think it is made by Kong.

  6. Mine lasted a few days from when he started limping. I took him to Charleston and the vet there said I should amputate his leg and he would live about a year after the surgery. I did not want to do this. Could not control the pain, so put him down about 4 days after the limping started. I am the school that a day too early is much better than a day too late.

  7. Hey folks, thank you all for writing. I have been on the "corn group" forever. These corns are not little, bitty things. They have about crippled my large male, DaVid. I have tried everything on the market to help both of the hounds. Lady's are very small and she is not hurting as much as he is. I think anyone that knows me on this forum, knows that I never give up!! But, I am not the one that is barely able to move off his bed. And, not to argue with anyone, but these corns hurt like hell with no relief in sight.

    Please just sign me off of this forum and off of Greytalk forever. People that judge are so sad. Nan Wallace

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