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Posts posted by Pippin

  1. I never come in this forum, so I didn't know he was having trouble. Jessie was on enalapril for her heart murmur for years. But you DO have to watch the kidneys, with it. It's basically a blood-pressure med. (kidney failure was what eventually took Jessie, but she had lots of other issues, like hepatitis)


    Back in 2005/2006, I could get a full bottle of enalapril for her at Costco for @ $12.00


    Chase, you're such a love-bug, it doesn't surprise me you have an over-sized heart. But take it easy, big guy - your mamas (and your aunties) want you to be around for another 10 years or so. :wub:

  2. Curiosity question - I just created a poll on a different message board I belong to. (it's powered by phpbb, it says at the bottom)


    On their polls, I can set it up to allow multiple answers, allow voters to change their votes, and I can specify a time-frame for the poll to run (x number of days, and then it doesn't allow any more votes)


    Is the new software changing the polls at all? Because I thought those were pretty cool options (on the downside, there could only be one poll question)


    Thanks for the heads up - do we have enough in the coffers? I'm a week away from payday, but once it hits, I could renew my supporter status early...


    It would go much smoother if we were sitting on a balcony in Hawaii.....


    If I could afford to send you there, I'd join you. **note to self: buy lottery ticket** :lol

  3. So if I read your post correctly, everything will be completed about five minutes after you start, and it will all be exactly like it is now, right? :lol


    Thanks for the heads up - do we have enough in the coffers? I'm a week away from payday, but once it hits, I could renew my supporter status early...

  4. as my folks used to say, "your a good egg." maggie is now regaling all her new bridge friends with stories of you and your family and how you saw beyond the years and gave her all the love she needed for the last year of her life.


    run free maggie



    What he said... Run free, sweet girl. Send your mama some kisses and rainbows from the bridge. f_yellow

  5. i really think that he knew it would be too hard on you for you to be there when he left. you could remember him as he always was...


    thinking of you.....


    I go with that one, becasue I'm convinced Angie waited until I was on a road trip, on purpose.


    Hugs to you, Judy. He & Emmy were two very special hounds. :bighug

  6. You're in Norcross!!! My first 6 years in ATL, I was in Norcross (jimmy carter/holcomb bridge area), then I moved to Holly Springs, which makes living near ATL bearable to me. :lol


    Welcome to GT!


    There's a grey-savvy vet on Holcomb Bridge just south of Spalding. Or, if you don't mind the drive, you can have Nina seen at the Animal Hospital of East Cobb. Dr Leslie Brown is an AWESOME vet, and extremely grey-savvy. Her office staff is friendly (mostly - depends on if they're having a good day), they remember my name, and my animals' names, and you go back with your dog unless they're doing x-rays or surgeries. It was a 20mile drive for me, v. the one that I mentioned first, who was only 1.5 miles up the road. Totally worth the drive.


    Did you adopt from SEGA, or from Karl Viner? Or did you find Nina some other way?


    How long have y'all been in Norcross?

  7. Jeff, I don't know if this will change when you put the "skin" on, over there, but I'm going crazy trying to find the link that takes me back to the forum.


    as in... I'm reading a post/thread in the EEG forum, I finish reading, and I want to just hit the button at the bottom that says EEG to go back to the list of topics.


    Right now, it's small and hard to see. Is it going to be big text right below the post again, like it is here? Or will I always need to use a magnifying glass to find it?

  8. I posted on the board:


    I don't see in the profile where to hide fast reply or choose not to save a copy of message sent.


    As near as we can tell, there's no way for individuals to hide the fast reply. I think Jeff's checking into that. they might still be sleeping, up in Kodiak.

  9. Only you and the mods. should be able to see your warn. I'm male over there too. Since I was feeling a little feisty last night so I didn't change it. :lol :lol You may just have to reset it on the new board. Also check to see if your email is visible, although I think Jeff fixed that.


    Thought you went to bed. :lol


    The email just has a link that says "click here to email me." If you check the box that says "hide email address" you don't even get that.

  10. Are we supposed to see the warn status? BTW, when I first went over there yesterday, it said my gender was male. Now I have to check my GT settings, because that would be totally incorrect.


    Is there a way to not show gender on the side panel by my post? I like the link to view member's gallery, but other than that, I like having minimal info display, and make folks click the profile link to see the rest of it.


    Will we get our pawprints back to identify online/offline?


    And can we move that "back to top" button so it's not at the very bottom of the page? I really don't want to have to scroll to the very bottom so I can go back to the top. Not a big deal on the list of forums, but would be a major PITA when reading threads. Will the new skin put it back "where it belongs" ?


    my gender HERE says "not telling." Why did it say male on the other one? Did it just choose a default setting all on its own? I would have thought it would have carried over my setting from here. It carried over the rest of my profile.


    The new board doesn't display our member number under our name. Don't know if it's necessary, just looking for things that are different, so I can tell you about things you already know. :)

  11. those should be back now too :)


    yes, just like they are now over there.



    I can live with that. :) Thanks!


    Like the new place, btw, other than not finding a way to turn off the fast reply.


    Just looked around, I don't see that either on a per/user bases


    another msg board I belong to has it always on, as well. I can get used to it, I just don't like it, and this is my only chance to whine about it. Once we switch, I have to suck it up and be adult. :lol

  12. I've not deleted any PMs, since I just now saw the message asking us to do so. Went into the new server, checked my PMs, and all but the one I got earlier today from Trudy are marked with an "X" on the side. I can read them, but it says I can't reply becuase the topic's deleted.


    if the topics' deleted, how come I can read the PM? If I can read it, how come I can't reply to it? (I'm ok with not replying to it, but just wondering if this will be standard with old PMs after you officially move us, or if it's a glitch)


    Because the new system uses 'topics' for PMs, so those will only work on new PMs you receive on that system.

    Your old ones are there because I used last nights backup to populate the test server ;)



    OK - are our existing old ones going to migrate over and just be non-replyable? I really don't want to archive them. (I don't like the archived PMs)

  13. I've not deleted any PMs, since I just now saw the message asking us to do so. Went into the new server, checked my PMs, and all but the one I got earlier today from Trudy are marked with an "X" on the side. I can read them, but it says I can't reply becuase the topic's deleted.


    if the topics' deleted, how come I can read the PM? If I can read it, how come I can't reply to it? (I'm ok with not replying to it, but just wondering if this will be standard with old PMs after you officially move us, or if it's a glitch)

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