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Posts posted by Pippin

  1. Oh, Nancy.... how heart-breaking! I'm glad they're together again, but I wish they were still here with the rest of us.





    edited to add some memories.


    April 2003, when I'd first met the hunka hunka burning love....






    Christmas 2006, when it was my privilege & pleasure to house-sit for them in Montgomery...







    Together again...








    I'll raise a glass tonight to Hunky/Jeanie/Profile/Frannie tonight, and to all the other bridge kids, too. And I'll be saying a prayer for Nancy/Simon and all who loved the Hunkster.

  2. she won't even look at food or chicken broth. i had to bring it upstairs for her and she's ignoring it. this is the first time i could remember her not coming down for breakfast. at the risk of sounding pessimistic or like a baby, i have a feeling this isn't good :cry1



    It certainly doesn't sound good... I'm sorry :(



    Hang in there, Loca-girl -- stop scaring your mommy!

  3. OK, I was doing mostly ok reading through here until I got to this one. Bebe, I'm glad you're happy, little girl! Your mama-trish loved you very very much. But Peatie needed her to keep him company.


    I remember you, Trish. I remember your laugh, your enthusiasm, your unending ideas & energy. As long as you're remembered, you're never really gone. That means you'll be around for a long, long time.




    Hi Mommy Trish,


    It's me Bebe. I miss you lots and lots and thought I'd let you know that I am a happy girl so you won't worry about me. I have a good time living with all of Mommy Judy's and Daddy Mike's hounds. I have a crush, can you guess who.................it's Arrow. We love each other very much. I still miss you and daddy but I'm happy, healthy and playful. I love you mommy.














    I think of you often Trish. Every time I look at Bebe I see you. I know you're up there watching over all of our angels and I love you for it.





  4. OMG, I'm just now seeing this. Oh, Nan - my heart aches for you. You've been on my mind all weekend - now I know why. I loved your little girl - she had such a presence, and was easily the most beautiful grey I've ever known.


    Reflected beauty:



    Christmas morning:




    Renaissance Jeany:



    And I'll never forget her scrunching herself into Zoe's bed when she spent some time here last Dec.




    I'll hug my hounds tighter tonight, and say a prayer for your loss. I'm glad you & Simon are together for this - I'd hate for you to have an ocean between you at such a time.


    **heads off to find tissues**

  5. Just got back from Dr Filer - all is good. :)



    Effective immediately, she's off the Tramadol & Robaxin, and we're easing her back up to full activity. One of her hind legs was a little wobbly this morning, but I attribute that to her nervousness at being there, and her nervousness in the car during the trip there. 90% of the time, she has her normal bouncy walk.



  6. Just wondering at what age did your pups really start having problems with the LS or hind end weakness?


    Pistol has some slumping, but no pain or real problems (yet), so we have not had to have any treatment (except his supplements).


    Casey displayed symptoms at 8.75 yrs. She'll be 9 in March. X-rays show a huge bone spur on her spine in the LS area, so apparently there was some type of damage/weakness to her back years ago, before we ever knew her (she moved into our group right before she turned 4). I never knew anything was wrong until she started very occasionally yelping when rising from bed. Then she went from once-in-a-blue-moon yelping to screaming in pain every time she stood up. We've done the bed-rest to give the inflammation from the pinched nerve time to subside, and we'll figure out what we do next based on what the ortho doc says in late Feb.


    I saw definite hind-end weakness early on during her bed-rest, but as she heals more, it's less & less apparent. She's back to her usual bouncy walk, and is full of energy/enthusiasm for life, just like she was before she started screaming in pain.

  7. Casey was just recently diagnosed (early jan), and we're just on a med regime for now (tramadol/robaxin). It's made a huge difference for her. The bed-rest seems to have helped as well (she had a pinched nerve, and we've been letting the inflammation subside). She's almost not wobbly at all, now, and it's all I can do to keep her from running in the yard. We go back to the ortho vet for re-eval on 2/24.


    I will look into chiro/acupuncture for her in the future, but don't have the extra funds for it right now There will also be scheduling challenges to deal with.


    My vet has never done the depo injections, but she told me to ask the ortho vet about it, as well. I'm going to ask him when we see him later this month.

  8. And here's your 1/21 Casey update. I call her ortho vet tomorrow (1/22) for our 2-week checkup. He said that could be done via phone. I emailed my vet today, for the first time in 10 days. How great is that? I had been doing daily emails, at first.


    She continues to do well. Her poop is usually firm, sometimes not so firm. I've been giving her chicken necks/backs to help with her teeth, and it helps her poop, too (let's hear it for secondary benefits).


    We're on the phase-out of prednisone (two more tabs between now & Sat), and I'd say that about 50% of the time, she has her regular bouncy walk. The other 50%, she has a wobbly rear-end (makes sense with LS).


    I heard some yelps yesterday morning before I was fully awake. I think it was her in her crate, but it might have been Pip in his sleep. But she's sleeping in an airline crate in the bedroom, and I think it's just not quite big enough for her. It's definitely smaller than the wire crate in the livingroom. So last night, I tried to leave her in the livingroom, but that got me a whine-fest. She wants to be with the rest of us, for sure! :lol


    So she spent the night in the airline crate again, and there were no yelps this a.m., but still....


    I was trying to figure out what to do, and then today I read the "senior greyhounds" thread in Soap Box. The answer was right there: x-pens! I can either set up an x-pen in the bedroom for her, or I can move her wire crate back to the bedroom, and x-pen her corner of the livingroom. (any suggestions for putting an x-pen on a hardwood floor, to protect the floor?)


    In the future, I'll explore chiropractic/acupuncture for her, as long as my finances will support it. But I'm thinking I'll wait until we've completed the six-week regimen the ortho vet gave me first, and see what we find out at her re-exam.


    She's a happy dog, and has not complained at all this entire time (well, other than whining when confined to a separate room). She takes her meds eagerly, as long as they're coated with peanut butter or hidden in a hot dog. I usually give her a taste of the peanut butter first, and save some for after all the meds, so she'll have non-med peanut butter as well as meds hidden in peanut butter. I always have to save out enough peanut butter to share with the other 2 dogs, of course. :lol



  9. Go, Grace!


    Adding to the up comments.... For the entire 12 months of 2008, I had totally healthy dogs. My only vet bills last year were routine exams and dentals. I think I actually had 14 months with no health issues - not too shabby! If it weren't for having them trim Zoe's nails every 6 weeks, I'd have barely seen my vet staff.:lol

  10. Oh, Casey! You have to forgive your Mom for not "getting it" the first three times! Nice try, though! :lol

    So glad she's feeling well enough to let her sense of humor come through! Praying for continued improvement!l



    I've had an animal communicator tell me that my dogs won't talk to her - she went on to say it was as if they didn't see the need to. Apparently, we communicate quite well without an AC. :lol


    Last night, I drug the airline crate in from the back porch to the bedroom, stuffed it full of blankets, and she slept quietly in there. So sometime today I'll clean it up and that will be her nighttime crate, and we'll all be together again.



  11. She was so cute.... she'd whine, I get my warmer clothes on and leash her up as she left her crate. She'd try to head up the hallway, but I'd steer her towards the outside door. We'd go outside, and she'd stand by the ramp and just grin at me until we went back inside.


    it only took 4 trips like that for me to realize I'd need to sleep in the LR. :lol (I have GOT to get me a sofa this year)

  12. So yesterday, we walked around the front yard a little, so she could stretch her legs more, and last night she walked to the mail box with me.


    I overslept this morning, and didn't want to make her wait until the other dogs were in from their first outing, so we were all 3 outside together for the first time in over a week. We won't do that too often while I'm leash-walking - Pip got tangled in her leash coming back inside (he pays very little attention to what's around him).


    I think she likes it better alone, too. Pip's pretty boisterous, which is great for him, but not for someone who's not feeling 100%

  13. Baby girl continues to do well. :) An upset tummy thanks to the meds, but Pepcid & metranidazole took care of it. She's VERY happy at getting rice/beef today instead of kibble. She doesn't quite pull me down the ramp, but she makes it plain that I'm not moving quickly enough for her. It feels so good to write those words.


    And she's still a super-trooper about taking her meds. :)

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