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Posts posted by Pippin

  1. I've read Dr Stack's article, and will make sure that my vet's aware of it. And I respect the concerns related to bed-rest. But until she can move without yelping in pain, I'm thinking bed-rest can't be such a bad thing. She's doing it voluntarily, anyway, only getting up when she needs to go outside. The crate simply protects her from the other dogs and helps her feel secure.


    Some friends came over today and installed a ramp for us. She's used it once, so far (she had to go outside while they were still installing it). She wasn't sure what she thought of it, but handled it ok (remember - she's the one that needs everything to stay the same). We don't have any musculature issues yet - no weakness in her hindquarters, or anything. What we have, according to the x-rays, and two doctors' evaluations of her behavior, is a pinched nerve that was probably inflamed after it was pinched. The inflammation makes it easier for the nerve to be pinched again, which is what's been happening. We're trying to give the inflammation a chance to subside.


    She yelped once last night, and again today when she was heading outside. I've heard her yelp a couple other times, but it's when I was outside putting the carpet runner on her ramp, and it might have been whining rather than yelping.


    She lets me know when she wants out of her crate. If she doesn't want out, she won't move, no matter how much I encourage her. She's always known her own mind, and I trust her to know what her body can handle.


    She has a healthy appetite - ate all her breakfast and any treats I give her with no problem, and had no problem doing her business in the yard. Even gave me some nice healthy poop out there today, which is always good to see, especially since she's not overly-fond of pooping while on a leash.







  2. Ortho vet's diagnosis is Cauda Equina (does that mean my dog is a horse's arse?). There's definitely a nerve being pinched, but only in certain positions. We're on prednisone for 3 weeks (total 18 tabs), tramadol (100mg twice daily), and robaxin (650mg twice daily). And pepcid for her tummy, if needed. I'm to call him in 2 weeks and let him know how she's doing. He told me to discontinue the rimadyl for 72 hours, but I'm going to check with my vet before I start it back up again.


    Total bedrest for next 6 weeks. Good thing is, Casey totally loves crates, so I just moved her crate into the livingroom, and she's perfectly happy there. I'll be tearing my bed down tonight, so she can still sleep on the bed with us at night. She loves beds as much as she loves her crate. He said it was ok if I used the box springs, that wouldn't be too high.


    He doesn't believe in chiropractic, but my vet does, so when the 6 weeks are up, we'll explore that option. Meantime it's no stairs (a friend is coming over tomorrow and building a ramp for my back porch - it's only a couple steps, but better safe than sorry), no jumping in/out of cars, and leash-walking for potty time.


    We came home from the vet this afternoon, and once I got Casey established in her crate, I gave her about 4 cups of kibble, because I knew she hadn't eaten much at Doc's (I gave them 6 cups of kibble for her, and brought almost 4 cups home with us today). She ate most of it. :)



  3. I'm leaving soon to pick her up from Doc and take her to Ortho. We're not giving her pain meds this a.m., so that Dr Filer can get a better picture of what's going on, and I'm cringing at the thought of it. I really don't ever need to hear those blood-curdling screams again. (yes, I'm a coward)


    I've got her tramadol in my pocket, and as soon as Dr F is done with his exam, I'm giving her one. Doc told me last night that even with pain meds yesterday, there's still the occasional yelp when she's getting up. *sigh*


    It might be evening before I'm back online, but I promise to update as soon as I can.

  4. Doc called me about 10am. She checked out Casey first thing :) NO TUMOR.



    BUT.... huge bone spurs on her lumbar vertebrae. Doc says it's been going on for a long time, and we just never knew about it. So she's on rimadyl/tramadol 2x/day for pain, and we have an appt with an orthopedic surgeon on Thurs at 1110, to see if there's a surgical option. She calls it "lumbar sacral instability."


    She said that even with the rimadyl/tramadol, she can't guarantee there won't be blood-curdling shrieks of pain. I work from home, facilitating training over conference calls, so Casey is staying with Doc until I take her to the orthopod. My boss is trying to shift my schedule and free me up on Thurs for the appt. If he can't, I've got a friend who can take her in for me. But I'd rather go myself. I told my boss that for me, it's a family emergency, even if it's 4-legged family instead of 2-legged family. He understands.



  5. Doc gets in at 9, and has 2 surgeries and 3 dentals this a.m. Casey is one of the dentals. The x-ray developer takes 45 minutes to warm up, and Casey has to be out for the x-rays.


    The tech tried to prepare me for not hearing anything before this afternoon. And I'm unavailable for big chunks of the day, starting at 1045. So I have no idea when I'll hear anything.


    Last night, Pippin squeezed his gorilla toy, that screams like a monkey - I jumped and looked around for Casey. Guess I'm still a little gun-shy from it all.

  6. OK, it was tramadol that they gave her earlier today. I called on my way home from work and checked on her. They're getting the same experience I did - sometimes it's just a yelp when she gets up, other times the fullblown "OMG I'M DYING" dance. The vet tech agrees that it tears your heart out when she's screaming.


    Doc emailed me this afternoon - she had called up there this a.m. to check on Casey (it's her day off - another reason I love my vet)


    Here's what Doc said:

    Based on the history, I'll be concentrating the radiographs on the left rear leg and hip joint as well as the spine. At the moment, I would say the rule-out list should include bone infection, bone tumor, spinal tumor, disc disease of any sort. If I can't find the problem with plain rads, then we'll make a plan for referral for diagnostics outside the realm of my equipment. I know that osteosarcoma is every greyhound owner's worst fear, mine as well. But we should wait and see what the films say first. As you well know, sometimes we have to wait long enough for a problem to progress a little bit before we can find the source. If our pets could talk to us, we would have a leg up, but they can't. Her pain has progressed since last Friday, and every sign she gives us helps to isolate the source.


    I know it's useless to say, but try not to worry. She's on pain meds and is quiet. Tomorrow I'll do the best I can to give you some answers.

  7. So Casey went to get up so I could take her to the vet, and did the "OMG it hurts!" dance again, screaming all the while (and dumping poop in my livingroom). Then she ran to the back door and trotted outside like nothing had happened.


    I left her out there while I finished getting the car ready for her, and when I went up to the gate to get her (we load from the back yard), she ran across the yard to the gate to see me. Climbed into the car with no hassle (I had her go in a side door, not jump in the back), and we headed to town.


    It's 23.8 miles to the vet. As long as Casey was lying down, she was fine. But like all dogs, she likes to rearrange herself when riding in the car, so I got treated to blood-curdling screams twice, as she stood up. Told the vet techs THEY could get her out of the car - I couldn't handle another bout of screaming. And I stood in the office and wept as my little girl cried her way out of the car. Once she did her "OMG I'm dying" dance, she ran up the steps to the clinic like nothing had ever happened. She can sit with no problems, as well.


    They called me a few minutes ago... they won't have time to do xrays today, but they've given her a powerful pain med (she didn't tell me what kind), and they fed her for me, and they'll keep her overnight. Dr. Brown will check her out in the a.m. and they'll do x-rays and dental tomorrow.


    It's got to be the most helpless feeling in the world...knowing something is wrong, and not being able to help her. But Doc can help her.


    Now, if someone could just give me an alternative idea as to what could be causing all this, I'd be ever so grateful.

  8. 430 am... after a quiet night, Casey yelped her way up to go outside this a.m. No problem heading outside, trotting across the yard to do her business (couldn't watch her in the dark, but assume no problem squatting).


    Pippin & I stood at the doorway, waiting for her return (I won't let him out with her, when she's not 100%). She came back, I opened the door, and she stumbled clumsily up the 2 steps, yelping as her legs gave out for a couple seconds. I couldn't help her because I was holding on to Pip.


    She recovered herself, got inside, back to the livingroom, and is standing by her bed, apparently unwilling to risk the pain of lying down again.


    Doc opens at 8 - we'll be there

  9. update #3 (?)


    About 530, Casey decided she needed to potty. Up she stood (yelp), and walked out to the back porch with no problems, navigated the 2 steps to the yard with no problems, trotted to the fence-line and squatted to pee with no problems. Walked back in, up the 2 steps, back to her bed again -- no yelps. I think she's walking weird, a little, and I think she's favoring that back left leg when she's standing (she took time out to lean on me and let me love on her, a little, before heading back into her bed).


    I gave her another aspirin, and some burpdog biccies to celebrate the successful venture. She ate both of them with no fuss at all.


  10. Mary--- being the lazy person I am--- what were her x-rays of?


    no x-rays yet, because Doc couldn't find any reason to do x-rays on Friday, and I had fed her on Sat before it all started acting up. (they need to put her under for the x-rays). Doc couldn't find anything on Sat, either. She's scheduled for a dental on Tues, and we plan to do x-rays then. They'll be of her hips/spine, to see if there's a reason for the yelping.

  11. Well, she's still on her bed, where she's been since 9am. She was just in a sphinx position - hard to think she could do that with hip problems. No yelps since the one at 1130, but no attempts to get up, either (as far as I know).


    At some point, she'll need to get up, to go outside. I think both of us are dreading that moment...

  12. And another update -- she's finally lying on her right side, so I can get to her left back leg. So I knelt beside her, and was rubbing the thigh muscle a little. She was ok with that. Then I went a little higher, and as I rubbed over her hip joint, she yelped and swung her head around to look at me as if to ask what I was doing. No snap, but a definite NOT HAPPY.


    So I'm finally able to recreate the yelp. That's encouraging, but also disturbing. It was definitely as I had my hand on her hip joint. *sigh*

  13. What a start to my morning!


    After a totally peaceful night (a yelp around 630 last night, but that was all), this morning all seemed well. She was fine when the dogs went outside a couple hours ago to take care of business. Then she came inside and laid on her dogbed in the livingroom, not knowing I was going back to bed (I didn't sleep well last night). I called her back to the bedroom, and she yelped when getting up from her dog bed, then a quick yelp when jumping up onto my bed (first time for that), and when she got up again, 5 minutes ago, she was whimpering as she got up (she'd been lying mostly straight, just a little curled up, with her head resting on me). She jumped off the bed, and immediately started screaming in pain, holding her back left leg as high off the ground as she could get it. She ran down the hallway, still screaming, and is now settled on her dog bed in the living room.


    Pippin, of course, was VERY interested in her screaming (a life-size squeaky toy? Cool!), so I grabbed him and put him outside. If I have to go anywhere today, I'll muzzle him.


    I've emailed Doc, just to keep her up to date. Her weekend is Sun/Mon, so I dont expect to hear back from her. If we get through today without a trip to the e-vet, I'll drop her at Doc's tomorrow and let them keep her until her dental/x-ray on Tues. I have to go to the office tomorrow, and don't like the thought of leaving her home alone with just the dogs to watch her.


    I gotta say - it really worries me that my totally stoic girl has been yelping so much in the past few days, and that scream tore my heart out. It wont' take much more of that to get us to the e-vet.



    update: I fed her a cup of kibble for breakfast (purposely gave her less than normal, in case she wasn't hungry). She cleaned the bowl. So that's good, at least. She hasn't budged from her bed in the livingroom since she got in there 90 min ago. I think tonight we'll all sleep together on the livingroom floor, so she won't have to jump on or off my bed.

  14. I just have to say out loud that every time she yelps it tears at my heart. Tuesday can't come soon enough. What really bothers me is that she's a dog who NEVER makes any noise (other than barking at strangers). She's scraped up her legs and never even whimpered about it, so the yelping makes me that much more concerned, because she's not a drama queen. And yes, it happened again, about 5 minutes ago.


    Whatever's going on with her is making her very "velcro." She normally just hangs on her doggy-bed in the livingroom corner, no matter where I am in the house. But she's wanting to be in the same room with me, which isn't normal for her.

  15. She yelped again last night, repositioning herself in bed. And at least twice this a.m., within a 3-hour period. So we went back to Doc, so she could double-check. She still sees no lame-ness, so when she does the x-rays on Tue, she's going to be focusing more on the spine. Gave her another thorough going-over, from ears to tail. I tease her that my dogs like to stump her. :)


    I just hate hearing her yelp, and knowing there's nothing I can do about it hurting. After we get the x-rays back, if they're inconclusive, I'll look into chiro or acupuncture, I guess. Thing is, Casey's afraid of strangers, and of most men, which just adds to the challenge of finding a practitioner for her.


    Poor girlie. *sigh* I told Doc that I knew she couldn't do anything for Casey today, but that I had to bring her in just so I felt like I was doing something. She understood.

  16. Ya know, usually I sit here and weep for dogs I've never met. But I've met Annie - loved on her, shared a bed with her, admired her beauty, adored her.


    Weeping with you, Cathie & Bill, Chris & Jenn, and all others who knew & loved this very special lady.


    f_yellowf_yellow f_yellow

  17. OK... Doc gave her a very thorough exam, and sees nothing. Didn't do x-rays -- but that's ok. While I was there, we checked her teeth, and she needs a dental. We've scheduled that for next Tues, and will do the x-rays then, while she's out for the dental. (Doc's not a big fan of knocking dogs out if it's not necessary).


    Meantime, we're going to put her on an aspirin regimen for 5 days, just in case there's any inflammation going on.


    Doc's words are: "I dont' see anything to worry about." I like those words :)

  18. Our appointment's at 220 today, but I'm going to drop her off this a.m., and let them examine and/or xray her at Doc's leisure, and use the 220 appt just for talking about her. I've not fed her today, because you never know if they'll need to knock her out for the xrays, so I figure I'll take some food with her, and they can feed her after they x-ray.


    I'm 90% confident that she's fine, but it never hurts to make sure

  19. You have my prayers for my Casey girl. You know, she might have a sore neck. Foxy had neck "issues" a couple of times. She would cry out getting up or down then be fine for while. Or, she could be getting a muscle cramp. Whatever it is I'm sure Doc will fix her up fine. Hugs to you both.


    It seems to be hips, rather than neck, based on how she reacts to things. I'm thinking muscle-cramp/soft tissue.... she and Pip chase each other around the yard sometimes, so it would be easy to pull a muscle.


    I did notice a slight limp earlier today, but she's been fine most of today. Oh, and turning down the burpdog was because she didn't like the flavor. She turned one down today, too, but eagerly accepted a different flavor.

  20. Thanks, everyone. I don't even know if my vet has any openings tomorrow (they always get ill on weekends and holidays, don't they?)


    I left them a vm asking them to call me and let me know if they have any openings, and also saying that if need be I could just drop her off there and let them fit her in (might have to do that anyway, depending on when their openings are). They'll call me in the a.m., after they get the voicemail

  21. There's nothing to worry about, I'm sure. But I'm a firm believer in peace of mind visits with my vet, and we'll be having one tomorrow. Every now and again, she'll yelp when she's getting up from laying down, or when she's laying down.


    It happened once in Oct, when she was staying with Dee. We figured it was a one-off. But I've heard it here at the house, once in the last month or so, and I've heard her yelp three times since about 7pm last night.


    Once was when she was getting up from her dog-bed last evening. After checking her over and finding nothing, I gave her a burpdog biscuit - she turned it down. (I didn't know that was possible) Once in the middle of the night - she'd been sleeping curled up next to me. Got up, rearranged herself, went to lay back down, and yelped. Wound up repositioning herself differently. And this morning, when she got up, she yelped longer than she ever did before. Not a GSOD, but not a happy sound.


    She's not limping at all, and hasn't yelped since that time this morning. She had no problem taking care of her business in the back yard. I gave her a canine aspirin - she ate it as if it were a treat, and ate her breakfast.


    So I'm keeping an eye on her, and will get her to my vet tomorrow. If they're busy, I'll just drop her off, and let them fit the x-rays in. I'm confident it's nothing but soft-tissue - stiff muscle, whatever. But it never hurts to get it checked out, and 3 yelps in a 12 hour period needs to be checked out just for my peace of mind, if nothing else.



    UPDATE: We'll be seeing a local ortho vet, who's very grey-savvy on Thurs morning. Then back to my vet that afternoon, to talk about what the ortho vet thinks.

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