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Posts posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Purple is your color, Buddy!  

    Acupuncture helped my dear Eve many years ago.  I don't remember the color, but I do remember each needle was individually wrapped in plastic.  Every single session, Eve had to carefully check every single plastic wrapper and needle because, you know, when plastic crinkles that could mean that food is involved! 

  2. If you don't want to buy a tape measure, do you have a ruler or a yardstick, or know someone who does?  You could even use a 12"x12" floor tile, if you have those.   Get some string/ribbon/rope/belt and place that around the strategic measuring areas of your hound.  Length is while the dog is standing, measure from the back of the neck to the start of the tail.  Chest is around the biggest diameter.  String should be not too loose but not too tight.  Then put the string along your yardstick to measure. 

    It's really easier just to get a tape measure from Amazon before you order the coat.  :)  

  3. I had a hound with three toes  on one front foot (missing one was a middle toe) and three toes on one back foot (also a middle toe).  Not the same as Tony, but she never seemed to have problems.  I never knew why the toes were amputated.  What is poor Tony's toe issue?

  4. Aggrieved parties:  Milo and Gelsey

    Evidence:  She invites us up with her on the sofa or the bed.  Then the insults start.  "Ouch, your elbows are too pointy."  "You're too heavy, get off my legs!"  "Get off of my blankets!"  (Then she starts RUDELY pulling them out from under us.)  "Move over, you bed hog."  "Quit kicking."  (Milo)  "Quit licking" (Gelsey).

    So just to get a little rest, we leave and go someplace quieter.  Then we hear her calling, "I'm lonely.  Why doesn't anyone want to sleep next to me?"  

  5. Congratulations to all!  Even Apollo, whose nap time has probably been infringed upon.  :)  

    My first grey remembered the location of every squirrel sighting in our neighborhood walks after her arrival.  She wanted to reinvestigate every place.  After a couple of months, the collected volume of sightings caused her mind to blow.  

    Cassie is beautiful.  And may I say, ........ EEEEEAARRSIES!

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