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Posts posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Quote

    CET Deuce, CET Dookie, CET Dung, CET Runs, CET Squirts

    :rofl CET Poopfoot


    On Olympic themes, I was thinking we have one of our very own -- the Miss Paris Olympics!   With none of this 10,000 meters or speedwalking junk.  

    • Like 2
  2. What an interesting dog she is.    Gelsey sends her gourmet suggestion of heavily used nasal tissue.  



    The kennel think she was worked hard which is why she has such a violent reaction to birds in the garden - I wonder if she’s just had too much rough handling in her first home and now she appreciates a gentle hand

    ???  Worked hard at hunting? or ????  Why would this make her object to being groomed?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. Quote

    When we had Buddy I thought that we might venture into lurcher ownership one day - having fallen totally in love with greyhounds I didn’t want to steer too far, and thought that a lurcher, who could join us on longer walks, might suit us as well, if not better than a greyhound. 
    This particular lurcher is nothing like a greyhound!

    That's why I got Milo.  I had one elderly and one exceptionally lazy greyhound at the time, and I wanted somebody with more energy.  Milo started thinking about calming down a little about age 6.  


    I’m on my own here, aren’t I?

    No takers here  :lol  

    • Like 1
  4. Somehow I missed all the updates!  Love, love, love the pics of this beautiful girl  

    You have to wonder, with all Dixie's idiosyncrasies, about the mix of nature vs nurture in her brain.  


    Dog things - this is so true! I think we would be more committed to her if she were more greyhound. I know that’s not her fault, and that we must have turned in to breed snobs!

    I am a breed snob and proud of it.   Although in my case it's laziness, not snobbiness.  Greyhounds fit so well into my lifestyle that I find them the easiest of dogs.  

    • Like 1
  5. I have had several hounds with high prey drives, and it is such a shock to be reminded that your affectionate, loving dog is actually an apex predator.  As posted above, the instinct that has always existed in them and then been selectively bred into them for thousands of years is to chase, catch from behind, shake to break the neck, and drop the kill for the human to come pick up and put into the stew pot. 

    Your dog didn't think about it or make a conscious choice; he simply obeyed the lightning bolt of instinct.  Try to think of it as a quick, relatively painless death for the joey compared to other possible causes.  :grouphug 

    If your hound is like most others, he will tell you that wearing the kennel muzzle is the most annoying thing on earth.  Not true, so just ignore him.  :) 

    • Like 6
  6. I was thinking of the recent female hounds (femmehounds?) we've had in GT with 2-syllable names beginning with "f" -- Fancy, FancyTwo, Fuzzy, Flizzy, Flashy, Fizzy (sorry for all I've probably left out) -- and went down the rabbit hole of one of my favorite brain games -- naming greyhound litters by theme.  Wanna do it as a chain game?  State the parameters for a litter of at least 6 puppies and the next person has to come up with names for that litter and then leave the instructions for the next litter.  You can also chime in just with additions to previous litters, but if that's all your answer is, you can't set new parameters.  Clear as mud?  

    Example:  One-syllable names that are synonyms of "fast".  

    Answer:  Swift, Bolt, Dash, Flash, Zip, Zoom, Dart

    New Litter:  Weather names, any number of syllables and can be one- or two-word names

  7. All of the above? :)  :( 

    It's not good that you feel tied to the house.  Now that you're anxious about leaving, he may be picking up on that.  You may want to start from scratch on alone training (searching GT should get you a lot of information).  One of the standard techniques is that you start with very short absences of just a few minutes, and gradually build up the length of time.

    What do the kids do when he starts jumping at the table and reshelving books?  


  8. Quote

    a Whataburger Green Chili Double smelled much better than fries.

    Recipe for digestive disaster!

    My mother (from Arizona) put chilies in everything.  And as my parents got older, they both got more lenient about giving people food to their animals.  One time they had to take their terrier mix to the vet because of explosive diarrhea.  The vet asked if the dog had eaten anything that could have upset her stomach.  Oh, no, said my mother.  Unless it could have been the chilies in the corned beef hash?

    • Haha 1
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