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Posts posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Sending :grouphug


    Low white blood cell count -- Is Jaynie's count low for a greyhound? Greys have lower WBCs than other dogs. Most dogs -- 5.5 - 16.90 K/muL (sorry, can't do medical symbols); greyhounds normal range 2.0-6.0 K/muL.


    Low platelets -- recently one of my dogs was tested with a 35k (compared to Jaynie's 40). Vet said this was probably due to "clumping" -- whatever that is. He did a "hand count," and said hers were okay. When the vet in the pathology lab verified Jaynie's platelet results, was that by a hand count? Also, the sources I looked up when my dog's platelets looked low said that greyhound values range from 80-120, not the much higher range quoted in your posts. Jaynie's would still be low at 40, but not as comparatively low.


    I feel hesitant to raise these questions when it looks like your specialist is savvy, thorough, and kind, and of course is much more knowledgeable than I am, but for what it's worth ...


    Sending even more :grouphug

  2. It should be known that because of this immune disorder, he can now longer get vaccinations or a rabies vaccine.
    I have read that the respected veterinary researcher Jean Dodds thinks that multiple vaccines may overstimulate the immune system, but other reasonable theories range from pollutants in the general environment, to the antioxidants added to many dog foods, to genetic factors.


  3. My dear Scout had SLO and some painful nails when I got him as a 9-year-old bounce. It was misdiagnosed as a fungal infection. I followed the advice of several experienced folks and articles such as the Stack one mentioned above. The supplement regimen slowed down the nail loss from around 1 a month to 1 a year. Scout seemed to experience pain when he was actively shedding a nail, but in a few days he acted fine again.


    The nails that grew in were a funky shape and texture. They seemed to grow faster than the "normal" nails. The quicks didn't grow out far into the nail again, so they were easy to trim. A good thing, because keeping them short helped keep them from snagging on things.


    One of the articles on SLO mentioned that there appears to be a connection between SLO and hypothyroidism, and Scout did develop low thyroid levels, too.

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