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Posts posted by Sambuca

  1. I've worked on it with my boy. Bu is really good at it in the house unless he's lying down. When we go to the dog park, he's pretty much perfect. Usually, I can just say his name and he comes running. The times he doesn't come are always busy days and I don't think he hears me, but once he hears me, he comes running. I'm a pet sitter and we go from house to house and in every (fenced) yard he comes when called.


    One day we went to a house we're at a few times a week that locks it's gates. I put Bu in the yard, then put the 2 beagles in the yard with Bu. I saw a note on the kitchen counter, so I went to read it while the dogs did their business. On my way to the note, I look out the window and saw Bu in the yard, out of the fenced in area. My heart went in my throat and I ran to the gate he had gone through and called him. He immediately turned around and came back to me in the fenced section. If he had not had recall training, I don't know what would have happened. So yes, I believe recall training is necessary for all dogs, even if not let off leash.

  2. I'm so sorry your going through this. My father and I are both on the gel caps. It does not come in IV form, so I doubt a liquid is available either (although I don't know that for sure) My Dad was recently in the hospital and could not take anything orally and had to go without the gabapentin because it didn't come in IV form.

  3. What foods have you tried? My boy was on 8 or 9 foods in the first year I had him, including prescription foods and the only food that worked was TOTW pacific stream. My vet and the vet I went to for a second opinion both said that I just needed to find the right food for him. I found the food and I couldn't be happier and neither could my pup.

  4. As long as she's up to date on all her shots, she should be covered. It can't hurt to call the vet to double check, but as long as it's really only scrapes and minor cuts, I wouldn't worry too much. I hope she feels better soon. We all have our bad days.


    ETA: Did she get poop in her cuts? That may be a concern and I'd definitely call the vet if she did.

  5. Thank you for the encouragement!! Ben did not have any more seizures while I was watching him. The 2 other dogs that I was watching did get into a small scuffle and the male had to go to the e-vet and get some stitches. I'm guessing they aren't going to hire me again lol. Thankfully, the fight was relatively small and so were the wounds, but they were around the eye and he some skin flapping from his eyebrow. His eye was fine and he was a trooper. It was quite a weekend.

  6. I'm not an expert, but I don't think atrophy is the right word. Many do lose some muscle mass, but I think it depends on the hound, the diet and the exercise. I've had my hound for a year and a half and he happens to be more muscular than the foster I've had less than a week.

  7. This is my first time watching these guys. I'm actually staying at the couples house. The seizure dog is their moms, but is here very often. My guess is that the medicine change coupled with the excitement of dinnertime with all these dogs made him seize. He seems to be doing fine now.

  8. thanks everyone. He gets his meds with dinner, so he got it like 5 minutes after his seizure. I actually called the owners daughter while the seizure was still happening (her number is programmed in my phone) and she said that there was nothing I could do, but its been over a year since the last seizure, so I'm keeping an extra eye on him, but hopefully it won't happen again soon. I appreciate all the words of encouragement, I don't. Have too much seizure experience, I just know to stay calm.

  9. I'm a pet sitter and I'm staying with 3 greyhounds plus my grey and my foster grey. 1 of the 3 that aren't mine is epileptic, but hasn't had a seizure in over a year. Well I was preparing dinner for the hounds, my foster was in his crate, and I went in the pantry for olive oil. I turned around and Ben was having a seizure. (They have been changing his meds). He was really tense with a bit of a tremble. He was having trouble standing but fought me when I tried to help him lay down. So I just stood there hugging and loving on him and talking calmly to him while he leaned on me. He stargted to get lower so I got him to lie down with his head in my lap and kept loving on him and talking to him. I also kept the other dogs from crowding him, 1 did a little nip but ran off when I scolded him. The whole thing lasted a few minutes and sat with his head in my lap for a little while then when he seemed to be better we got upand everyone ate.

    Is there anything I could have done differently? Or is that all I could have done?

  10. Is he always scream when you touch 1 particular paw? If so, a visit to the vet may be in order. I also agree with above, that it can take time to form a bond. You don't meet someone and become best friends in the same day. Take her on outings, go to the pet store and buy her a bag of treats, meet some friends for a walk in the park (leave your wife and daughter behind on these outings) and she'll realize good stuff happens when you're around. Good luck.

  11. I don't have any advise about what to do right now, but once it's healed I would keep a good eye on things. If he starts to have trouble pooping or drags his butt or licks his butt a lot, then bring him to the vet to express his glands. Also, if it smells really bad, once he's allowed to be bathed, bathe with some dish soap back there and it should help the smell.


    I hope he feels better soon.

  12. I unfortunately have two more names to add. I was Tucker the labs petsitter and 2 more dogs that I watched died this April. They are Charlie and Stella, both bernese mountain dogs and both from the same family. They were big sweet dogs, and although I know they were ill and elderly, I will miss them both. There are days I hate my job, because I love the dogs like they are my own and when 1 passes it breaks my heart.

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