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Posts posted by Sambuca

  1. I didn't read all the responses. If she thinks the gabapentin will work, it's worth a try. My dad recently died of cancer and had 1 tumor resting on his sciatic nerve. He tried all sorts of pain pills, including narcotics and none of the them worked. He tried gabapentin and had some relief. Plus, not as many personality changing side effects compared to narcotics.


    I didn't read all the responses. If she thinks the gabapentin will work, it's worth a try. My dad recently died of cancer and had 1 tumor resting on his sciatic nerve. He tried all sorts of pain pills, including narcotics and none of the them worked. He tried gabapentin and had some relief. Plus, not as many personality changing side effects compared to narcotics.

  2. Poor guy. I hope he starts feeling better soon. He may be a bit stressed, which can make him lose weight. Also, depending on his meds, they can possibly cause him to lose weight. Also, was he weighed on the same scale as last time? If not, they can be calibrated differently, so as long as he looks like he's a healthy weight, I wouldn't worry.

  3. My boy is a clutz so we do some wound care at home. Other people have covered the basics. I just wanted to add that over the summer my boy slipped and fell on some ice while running. He got up and started running again making me think he was fine. Once we got inside I found he had skinned his elbow in a couple spots and his thigh was bruised and had road burn. I fixed him up and to bed we went. The next day he was miserable. I felt it necessary to bring him to the vet for some pain meds. The vet gave some advice on caring for the wounds, but didn't really do anything about them since they were pretty cleaned up. We got some pain meds and my boy was back to normal in a couple days. My point is that, just like humans, dogs can get sore and may not feel it until the next day so keep an eye out and do what you feel is right for your dog.

  4. I use revolution on Bu and I've been really happy with it. I'm actually due to buy more and can't remember how much it is. BUT, when I buy it through the vet, they give me free preventic collars, which make it worth my while. Revolution covers, fleas, heartworm and some intestinal things, so I don't need to buy heartgaurd on top of everything else.

  5. What position are their ears usually in when they chase prey?


    Bu's ears are generally laying back against his head. He was chasing a cat outside today and his ears were straight up. It looked more like he was playing, he looks the same way when running with dogs and playing around. He also didn't seem to be running top speed.


    Some back story; He's totally cat safe in the house, he even grooms the cats and lets them eat raw out of the dish with him. He has tried joining my indoor cats before when they are playing, but they get nervous when they see the giant trying to play so the cats stop and Bu has given up trying to play with them. He has met cats outside on leashed walks and shown no interest. He's been nose to nose with a ferret and went back to sleep. He's been in other yards before with birds, squirrels and rabbits running around and never reacted.


    Was this play drive, or was he trying to play? The cat climbed a tree and Bu immediately turned around and never sniffed around the tree.

  6. I think you are on the right track. Just don't give in (easier said than done, I know). In fact for a few days, I would only let them outside in that area and not in the yard. I also wouldn't walk them for a day or so either. Be strong!! Maybe even feed them out in that area if they are food motivated. Feeding them out there will give them good associations with that area.

  7. You can also use a muffin tin and put a little kibble in each hole. What I'll do for dogs that eat too fast is hand feed them. I put 3 or 4 pieces of kibble in the dish and they can't eat it until I say OK. then I put a few more pieces in the dish and make then wait again. I do this until the meal is finished.

  8. Sounds like you did the right thing to me. In fact, when I'm watching a multiple dog household, sometimes if I'm petting 1, it will growl if another gets close. I walk away from the growler and go over to the dog it growled at and pet him. If the grump calms down, I'll walk over and pet him again. They learn that if they're nice to others, they get more loves. You have different goals, but same method.

  9. I'm a dog walker so I'll answer first as a dog walker then as a grey mom.


    I would ask if there are restrictions she follows for running with dogs. Like what weather conditions she will or will not run them in, if she's built him up to a certain length of time, ground conditions and if she knows the signs of a dog having had enough.


    As a mom, I would love if they ran a bit with Bu. I'm not a runner, so I would expect the dog walker to work up to a nice run over a few weeks or even months. I wouldn't want him to run in severe heat. I would also insist that if the walker was sort of pulling Bu along to immediately stop running and to walk with him. I would also want her to keep and eye on him to make sure there was no injury.


    Good luck.

  10. Please bring him to the vet. I went to a friends house and I said something about her hound Fortune looking a bit thinner. She was going to ask my opinion about it. We decided it couldn't hurt to treat her for worms, so my friend went to pill her and Fortune yelped. Her mom tried 1 more time and got another yelp, so she asked me to take a look since Fortune was a little wary of her mom. I very carefully lifted her lips and her teeth were in pretty bad shape and her mouth was bleeding a bit. My friend brought Fortune to the vet the next day and they found a large tumor in her mouth. It was so large she had trouble opening her mouth and eating well. She died a month or so later. Please get this looked at while it's small.

  11. Unfortunately, with the overbreeding of labs, they are now prone to developing allergies. If it's only his legs and belly, I would guess it's to grass, weeds, flowers, or pollen or something that is close to the ground, but it could also be a food issue. It could also be whatever she is using for the dry skin.


    I hope he feels better soon.

  12. I have fibromyalgia. When I was in high school we were able to borrow a magnetic mattress pad and it did nothing for me. We started to notice that some days our 10ish y.o. standard poodle had higher energy and seemed to just feel better. After a few weeks we noticed it was only after the nights he slept on my bed. So, I think it depends on who tries it.

  13. A UTI (urinary tract infection) is cleared up with antibiotics. The white stuff may also be part of an infection. A vet visit is probably in order. I would bring a pee sample in. You can get a sample by using a (clean) pie plate and sliding it under him while he's peeing. Or you can use a ladle to try and catch the pee.

  14. Random question, did you try squeezing them to see what happened? Sometimes they can be little infections and a quick squeeze will help the drainage process. I'm a pet sitter and I went to walk an elderly dog that I knew really well 1 day and she had a bump between her eyes. I gently squeezed and it popped like a pimple. I talked to the owner later and mentioned the bump and she said she had brought the dog to the vet and the vet said she needed to have it surgically removed. Then I told her to look at the bump and that it was a pimple. She decided to switch vets.

  15. I feed partial raw and I have immune issues and have not had any problems. On the other hand, my father is very sick and will not be with us much longer and after hearing about the ruling, I decided to halt the raw feedings until my father has gone to the bridge. Bu and I spend at least a few hours a day with my father and he is sick, tired and in pain, the last thing I would want is for him to get something on top of all of that on the off chance there is a risk. I personally do not believe the risk to be high, but I will not risk getting my dying father sicker than he already is. This probably wouldn't affect me this much if it weren't such a personal situation. You need to do what you think is right.

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