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Posts posted by Sambuca

  1. If they aren't bleeding and she's not flinching when you touch them, I'd leave them alone and keep an eye on them. She'll do what needs to be done to them. If they start to bleed or seem to start really hurting her, then I'd clean them out, put some antibiotic ointment on them and have her wear boots or socks to keep them cleaner and from her chewing on them.

  2. I know of other people who's dogs thrive eating only once a day. I wouldn't usually recommend it, but under the circumstances I would give it a try. The other option is feeding her half right when you get home and the other half a few hours later. Either way, make sure she gets a treat or 2 in the morning, because they can sometimes throw up some bile if the stomach is to empty.

  3. In short, yes. Years ago we had a standard poodle. For whatever reason we switched him to a special diet. Somehow, lost in translation, we weren't supposed to feed him ANYTHING else. He had a stomach of steel and was very well behaved, so he often got leftovers in his dish after we were done cleaning after meals. He started to really stink. After talking to the vet we realized what happened and switched foods.

  4. Has he been checked for worms? If not, that is your first step. If he has been checked I really don't think a week or 2 is long enough for him to adjust to a new food. I usually take from 3-4 weeks to switch foods. Plus, even if he's not showing it other ways, this could be stress related from just moving in with you. Right now I'd wait a few more weeks before I'd do anything. Good luck and it may be worth investing in a gas mask. Hopefully your boy isn't like mine, because mine had the gas and diarrhea for a year.

  5. OMG!! That is the one of the funniest things I've ever hearf.


    I know the 'leaking' thing well. I had a dog Kiowa that I wasn't watching as closely as I should have been who consumed not one but TWO large smoked bones in under an hour. (the first and last time I ever gave my hounds smoked bones) K was having some painful issues passing the stupid bits of bone. The vet recommended mineral oil. For the next twelve hrs I watched K closely and at times he would be sound asleep when his butt would begin to gurgle and he would raise his head and stare at his butt, then at me, then back at his butt with the most comically puzzled look on his face. I shouldn't have laughed but the expression on his face.......PRICELESS! Of course every now and then he would jump up with an alarmed look on his face and we would hustle out the back door. That part was a bit less funny.

  6. I was watching a 1 y/o bernese mountain dog at one point and I found a HUGE lump on his neck. I took him to my vet because I wasn't willing to wait from sat to mon. My vet did a needle aspiration and found it be an infection. They put him on anti biotics and the lump went down quickly. I was told if it didn't go down that they would have to drain it, so I'm grateful it went down. My vet thought it was due to a splinter of something he ate going into his gums and getting infected.

  7. My dad recently died of soft tissue sarcoma at 63 y/o. That being said, I would personally treat aggressively. I would probably amputate now, to hopefully prevent it from metastasizing. Otherwise, I would just keep him comfortable until it's his time. Neither radiation or chemo worked for my father. That isn't to say that it doesn't work on everyone.

  8. I had to force Summer to come with us, too, just like you. I had to nudge her off the couch or lift her up off the floor. Sometimes I only had the strength to get the front end off the couch and then shoved the back end off. :lol She had absolutely no idea that she should accompany me out the patio doors. :lol But don't fret, it will come. I didn't do any training to get her to come with us, she just finally made the association. It didn't take very long.



    Those associations are training in use.

  9. I've had Bu for almost 2 years. When I first got him he was almost a spook. He wouldn't leave his crate willingly for close to 2 months. I would put his leash on his while he was laying down and say either "let's go" or "come". After a few weeks I said "let's go" before I put his leash on and got up and out of his crate. I didn't even realize he knew what I meant until then. So my suggestion, is put a leash on him, use a command of your choice, gently tug until he gets up. It takes time. Even commands that are informal, are taught. My boy know a command "stay here". I used to really use it at my parents, but now use it any time and it works well for us. If I'm in a room with Bu and I don't want him leaving the room or an area, I tell him to "stay here" and he knows not to go anywhere, but the room we are in, is fair game for him to explore. That command probably took us months because it is situational. Patience is very important. Good luck.

  10. I free feed my boy and it works really well for us. I leave food out all the time and he eats however much he wants whenever he wants. This doesn't work for all dogs, some would look like blimps. My guy is pretty slender and at 85# could still gain a few pounds. It may be worth a consideration unless she starts to have a weird bathroom schedule.

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