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Posts posted by Sambuca

  1. Revolution. I found 2 cats on the side of the road and took them and their fleas in. I put revolution on the 2 cats I already had immediately after I brought the strays in. The next day, after talking to my vet I put revolution on the 2 strays. I never saw a flea in my apartment. I love revolution. It's a topical like frontline, but you need a prescription.

  2. I vaccinate for everything. I'm a dog walker and Bu goes to work with me. Even when he doesn't go with me, I don't know what I'm going to come home with. I also take him walking on trails in the woods and swimming in streams, ponds and lakes. He also goes to the dog park and sometimes to doggy day care. For us, with our lifestyle, I wouldn't risk not getting the vaccines. In fact, before my vet does certain vaccines, he asks us about different things we do and if we do high risk things, then he'll vaccinate, otherwise he says not to give certain vaccines.


    On the other hand, if we didn't have the lifestyle we have now, he wouldn't get nearly as many vaccines as he does. You need to weigh your lifestyle and his exposure to things against the risks. It is going to be different for every dog and every family.

  3. Are both eyes infected, or just 1? If it's something like pink eye, I wouldn't go near the dog. If it's only 1 eye, I wouldn't be that concerned, they eye could have had an irritation causing the infection and that wouldn't be very contagious. Plus, if it's very contagious, both eyes would be infected, not just 1.

  4. I probably would have induced vomiting if I had figured it out within an hour of ingestion. But if it's been awhile, you'll just have to wait it out. I'm sure he'll be fine.


    Growing up we had a standard poodle, who took my brothers condom out of the garbage and brought it to my mother. My sister-in-law (who was just the girlfriend at the time) was never a big fan of the poodles after that.

  5. My boy is chipped with an Avid chip. I'm not sure why, but my vet put it towards the top of his shoulder and not between his shoulder blades. It's close enough that it shouldn't be a problem. What I like about where it is, is that I can feel it and touch it so I know it hasn't moved.

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