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Posts posted by Sambuca

  1. I'm no expert, but I don't think vomiting is a symptom of an abscess tooth. Maybe if it was so bad there was bacteria entering the stomach? It sounds like a virus or something to me. I've been unlucky enough to get an eye/stomach virus before so I'm guessing its possible for dogs as well. I would try some Chicken and rice. Easy to eat and digest.

  2. It sounds like she just doesn't enjoy being touched while she's laying down. As long as she's standing, she's probably safe around everyone. As for no warnings, she probably gave a few subtle ones that you didn't notice. Licking lips, tensing, freezing up, tail wagging in a certain way can all be signals that she's uncomfortable. Honestly, she's given you many warnings now, including that same morning. I'd say her inhibition isn't bad. Have you corrected her for growling? If so, that could be why she bit this time.

  3. I use different techniques that have worked well for me. For going down, I grab the pups collar, put his head in my butt and just start walking. When his head is in your butt, he can't see all the stairs and its less scary. To go up the stairs, I put the pups front feet on the second step. I stand directly behind the dog using the leash only so that the dog can't turn in the stairs. I then put my knee in the pups crotch and lift/push. This has worked with many fosters and within 2 days all of them were doing stairs either unaided or with just a gentle hand on their collar. I live alone and my joints and back aren't great so I had to figure something out.

  4. I have a bit of experience with a clients pit bull with it. It was a worst case scenario case though. The dog was food aggressive, had just bitten the other pet sitter and it already had pneumonia. The dog was put down the morning after diagnosis while I held it and the owners were across the country.

    Sorry I'm not at all helpful.

    The advice I do have is to get your pup comfortable handling it and its food while its eating. It will help in the long run. The pit bull was put down partially because of the food aggression making it extremely hard to feed her properly for the mega esophagus.


    Ets: I still mourn this dog and what happened with it after 2-3 years.

  5. Could you add Martha, the pit bull. She was adopted at 10.5 and had health issues. She dies at around 12 or 13. She was supposedly dog aggressive, but I have her a chance with my boys and she absolutely loved them. She stayed the weekend and followed them around like a puppy. She was the sweetest thing.

  6. Keep the walks in92 degree weather very short. They do adapt to temps in the 70s and 80s after awhile, but they still shouldn't exercise much in those temps. early morning or evenings are best. Or take them for a walk along the river like I do so the can drink and swim at any point during the walk. Even then they pant a lot.


    Look up the symptoms for heat stroke. That's what you need to look out for.

  7. My dogs get all that were mentioned except possibly lymes I think. They also get the flu shot since all the research my vets and have done say it started at a greyhound farm or kennel (I can't remember which at this moment) and my guys around right off the track dogs. I'm a pet sitter and my dogs often interact with clients dogs, so I'm pretty careful because I don't want them to spread anything.

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