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Posts posted by Sambuca

  1. sounds like my vet :hehe:hehe when i bring in my cool whip containers w/ urine. poop is generally in a ziplock bag.


    oh, come on....haven't any of you dealt w/ dirty diapers and a baby teething??? now talk about messy poops and clothing that's soiled from head to toe!!!! and trying to use a cloth diaper and washing them....that's another story! storeing them until the diaper service arrives during the months ofjune, july and august........ :eek

    That is one of the many reasons I don't want kids. :lol

  2. Don't lure into a bow, just mark it when she stretches and she'll get it.

    I eventually want to do big brat and little brat because sometimes he'll do big barks and sometimes he'll just kind of grumble.

    Bu also knows what a U-turn is. Whenever we walk and we turn around, I say it and he will even do it out of context now.

    I've also been working on fetch with Bu so that he'll eventually pick up and retrieve any object I ask. He'll hand me wooden dowels and PVC pipes now.

    Bu knows "up" to get on tables at the vet or groomer, "load up" for the car or bed, "upstairs" and "up up" to go from road to curb if a car is coming.

  3. My boys love to bow. I captured it with a clicker when they stretched. Bu also occasionally likes to bark, so I've been marking that. The command for barking is "are you a brat". The also do a great nose touch. Sailor also says his prayers, but we haven't worked on it much.

    I refuse to teach Sailor to give paw or high five. When he wants something, he paws at me and rakes his nails down my body or whatever he hits. Hurts like hell and leaves marks for days-weeks. I started teaching paw and it made the behavior much worse, so I stopped. I don't want him clawing people.

  4. He looks great. Drop the group. I dropped the group I got my boys from because they are now advocating and teaching dominance theory, including sharp leash corrections. I'm much happier now although I feel horrible for the dogs.

    I think that having a weight clause in the agreement is ridiculous! One of mine has gained 15 pounds since I adopted him and even greyhound people still comment that he looks too thin. There's no way I'd let a piece of paper determine what is healthy for my dog.

  5. That's wonderful. Patience is key.


    One thing you can do is start clicker training, but only teach him the significance of the clicker. Even if he's laying in his alcove, you can just click and throw a treat for him. He'll eventually learn that the click means food is coming. As he makes progress this can be a great tool to mark behaviors you like. I'm not suggesting you push training, because I don't think you should, but this could help in the future.

  6. Please remember your dog is not a child. He doesn't eat to satisfy boredom, cravings, or because someone was mean to him at school. He may well not even know anything to drink other than water exists.


    Love him AS IF he's your kid, but don't feel you need to feed him like he is.

    I agree with this. Of course things can change if there's a legit medical issue. If the pup needs more water, I would just start by adding water to its food and see if that works and go from there.

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