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Posts posted by Sambuca

  1. Mine are afraid of kids. I'm not planning on having kids for many reasons, one of which is my dogs were here first. I have kids give my dogs treats. They aren't as scared as yours seems, but I try not to overwhelm them and I make sure the kids aren't crazy. I will get between kids and my dogs or lecture the kids about calming down to help my dogs. Or if a kid is really nuts I don't let them near the dogs.

    I did teach Sailor tricks so that kids can ask him to do stuff and hand him treats instead of petting him. They are amused, Sailors getting food without being pet and everyone is happy.

  2. It's better to go off visuals than numbers. Most should gain about 5 pounds, but there are exceptions. Bu hasn't handled his neuter well and lost a bunch of weight before I got him. He's since gained 15 pounds and could handle a couple more. Some are also run thin and some heavier, it all depends on the dog.

  3. It's personal preference really. I'm a dog walker and I hate harnesses. They take more time to put on and take off, usually don't provide any more control than a collar, they often chafe and the training ones often alter the dogs gait.

    Maybe an obedience class could help with his self control.

  4. I've had the same problem with Bu for years. He doesn't like getting up in the morning (which is usually close to noon). He doesn't usually growl thankfully. We've gotten to the point that I just tap his neck and he will get up. Sometimes he starts getting up and when I turn away he'll lay back down. I would just make 7 your last out.

  5. My dogs don't like fireworks either, they get up and walk into the bedroom to hide. I've set it up so there is a dog bed and lots of loud music, they can come and go as they like as I leave the bedroom door open. This time of year the a/c is on and I have fans blowing in there, so that contributes to the noise. The other thing that REALLY helps...Dale Edgar Calm K9 Nutri-Wafers. These days I'm giving one to each dog as a treat after dinner. Last night I heard fireworks going off and then, because it was a Friday home game, Dodger Stadium had fireworks after the game. Carl didn't so much as raise his head, he didn't go to the bedroom, he laid in his bed and slept. The biscuits do not make them loopy, droopy or drowsy, they just seem to take the edge off. I'm halfway through the big jar (I've shared a lot of them with people) and may have to buy another. They really are a godsend.


    It's worth "liking" them on Facebook, they often offer great discounts. Through July 31 use the code CALM062013 to get 10% off, also free shipping on $25 and over orders. For my two, these are worth their weight in gold.

    I got some of these in this months Bark Box and I agree that they seem to work. I think they're too expensive for me to give every day, but for storms and stuff they'll be great. They smell good to me, but Bu doesn't really like them so I break them into quarters and put some pb on them and he likes them.

  6. Mine eat twice a day. Around 11am and midnight. I'm a night person and they now are too. Our morning routine consists of me getting ready, walking the dogs so they empty out, feeding them breakfast, then I leave. What works for us may not work for your dog though. Sailor gets 2 cups each meal. Bu eats however much he wants. Usually 6-8 cups a day. He doesn't tend to eat much in the morning and sometimes insists on an early dinner plus his normal dinner. He has a freakishly high metabolism and has me well trained.

  7. I've had Bu for 4.5 years and Sailor for 2.5 years. Bu still regularly growls at Saailor. Bu doesn't like sharing toys or food or getting steeped on. If its about a toy, Bu growls, runs and grabs the toy and runs off with it. If its over food, by growls and looks at me. Bu gets a large bowl filled with food and he eats however much he wants/needs and leaves the rest. Sailor likes to steal Bu's food because he's a pig. So Bu will look at me asking me to take the bowl away so Sailor won't steal it. For Bu, growling is just communicating that his younger brother bothers him. Most siblings get annoyed at each other at times.

  8. Find a new trainer. The place I go with my boys is fantastic. Sailor sits a bit, but they never insisted he stay in a sit. While the class worked on sit stays, Sailor worked on down stays. Bu won't sit or stay in a sphinx down so his stays are always stand stays. I've been through 6-7 classes now with my 2 and 5 teachers maybe and not one tried to insist on things that made my dogs uncomfortable. If they had I would have demanded my money back and left. I push my dogs to learn, but causing them physical discomfort is unreasonable. I took a class a few years ago with Bu and the teacher insisted on sit. I had to physically manipulate him. I wasn't rough with him, but he still tried to bite me. Obviously it hurt him and I wish I could erase the whole experience. It was traumatic for both of us. He did have a hip injury while racing that occasionally acts up.

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