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Posts posted by Sambuca


    Great idea about the bath mat, but what's a "tuner backed" bath mat, or is that a typo? For the record, I used to think this dog was a camel, she could hold it so long. Regarding cold weather, Bonnie doesn't think twice about going out in the rain, wind, snow.

    Sorry, that was autocorrect. I meant rubber backed.

  2. I don't have a dog door, but a good friend does and we spend a lot of time there. We're afraid to teach Sailor because he is soooooo dumb. He sometimes goes into her yard and forgets how to get back to the door. He just stands there and we need to go out and show him the way in. He always gets lost in the same spot. One week (I was watching her dogs so my dogs and I stayed there) I had to fetch him 8+ times. We're afraid if we teach him the dog door he'll forget how to come inside and be stuck outside.

    Just be glad you don't need to fetch the dog from the yard.

    At least Sailor is pretty.

  3. Why do you only give him the bone twice a week? I'm a nylabone fan. Make sure there are lots of toys accessible at all times. He's a puppy. They chew things. It just is. You need to set him up for success by having options for him available. Deer antlers are good as well. At that age if I catch them chewing something inappropriate, I say no, move them away or take away the object and hand them a toy to show them what's ok to chew on. Supervision is key.

  4. Even if James didn't step on Money, he could have been intimidating to her since he was standing over her. I would be intimidated if some guy I didn't know well was standing over me while I was in bed. She doesn't understand yet that you and James are family. It takes time. Of course she and James are going to be different. You already know and love James, why would you need his clone? This is new individual melding with your family, stumbling blocks are sure to happen. It sounds normal to me so far.

  5. I've had Bu for 5 years and he can be extremely difficult in the morning. He'll occasionally growl at me when I try to get him out of bed, I call it grumbling though, since for him he's just protesting, but has no intention of backing it up.

    Putting a leash on him first is a good idea, that way there are 6' between you two. I wouldn't tug at him, just say "let's go" and start walking. As soon as he stands up and starts moving, hand him a small treat. Is there anywhere you can take him on quick outs that are quieter? Maybe even just a back alley?

    I also like the idea of feeding breakfast, then going out since he's already up.

    Will he take treats while he's outside? If so, start giving him little treats outside so it becomes more enjoyable to him.

  6. Lure him under your leg. That's how I've always started teaching the down. Jen's blog (NeverSayNever) shows it well. I have a video of Kili doing it, but not sure which blog post I have it under.

    Neither of my dogs would do it this way. They both gave up and went to lay down.

  7. You can teach a stay while standing. My dogs did that often in class. Another way to teach down is capturing it. It will take longer, but it works. Every time you see the dog lay down, click a clicker, and give the dog a treat. After you've done that a bunch, keep a really good treat nearby and hopefully the dog will lay down looking for a treat. Once they do that, add in the word down when he's already on the way down. After he puts the word with the action, you can ask him to down and hopefully he'll do it.

  8. I used to have a foster with joint issues. He was very playful, but wasn't allowed to run or have much excersize due to his joints. Sometimes after vet visits or even just for fun I'd take him to Petco to watch the birds. He could watch them for hours!! It was easy on his joints, but got his mind going. He loved it.

  9. My dogs eat high value stuff in the same room with supervision. Whenever I have a foster or boarder they eat high value stuff in the crate in the same room until I know how they react. After a few months they may start to get to eat them out of the crate in the same room but with supervision. It also depends on the high value item. If its small and doesn't take long to eat, then they may eat that in a crowd sooner than larger items.

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