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Posts posted by Time4ANap

  1. Sounds to me like the sleep startle may be worse than you think.


    Rocket has had sleep startle since he arrived. Normally walking past his bed in the middle of the night isn't a problem, unless he is in a deep sleep. I have had him start to growl when I get close enough to put a blanket on him. I don't think he is awake at that point but senses someone nearby. I usually just tell him it's okay, and he recognizes my voice. No more growling.


    We make it a rule to not walk close enough that he might startle and be able to grab a leg. I often just say something like "hey buddy" when I'm walking by in the middle of the night and he doesn't react, but just keeps sleeping.


    The two times he has bitten was when someone actually touched him while sound asleep. Both times his eyes were open, but he was sound asleep both times. Don;t let the open eyes fool you.

  2. I would definitely have him checked and see what your vet says about doing a Thyroid panel. Could be something out of whack.


    As far as one walk - that's not really a problem as long as he is able to go out otherwise when he needs to. In extreme weather we only do one walk a day (or no walks) but we also have a fenced area that is just for turnouts. Quick trip outside to do whatever, and he comes right back to the door.

  3. Many greys do this when they are cold. The cold may also intensify the joint pain. Try covering him with blanket or even better, use a fleece coat or Pj's. When Rocket wears a coat or his PJ's we barely know that he is in the house all night - he sleeps straight through except for the occasional change of position.

  4. I put an old blanket on Rocket's bed if he is getting a bone. He knows that he has to stay on his blanket with it, and does. Sometimes he tries to take the bone into the bedroom to "bury it" but he usually gets caught. All I have to say is "put that on your blanket" and he takes it back to the bed with the blanket on it.


    Trading up is good, but in our house, there is no higher value treat than a bone - not sure what you would trade with. I would get him in the habit of only having his bone in a designated place that's not your bed.

  5. I've been shopping at ALDI for at least 20 years and there are only a few things that I don't like and buy elsewhere - their ketchup being one of those items - never liked it from the start, and even trying various versions that they produced over the years - I guess I just prefer Heinz.


    Our local grocery stores here are not large chains, but more medium sized chains (Schnuck's, County Market, IGA). They are outrageously expensive. I can fill a cart for $100 at ALDI and have most of what I need on my list. That same order at one of the local stores is usually close to $300. For the price difference, I can bag my own and look at a non-fancy label.....


    For the person who asked, ALDI here does have the seasonal goods like gardening, toys etc

  6. If you haven't done so, check the ingredients on your kibble and keep an eye on the ingredient list each time you buy. On the off chance that the manufacturer changed the formula, they have a fairly long time period before it has to show up on the bag. Also Red Flags should go up if all of the sudden the packaging says "New Improved Formula." They may have changed something that he is reacting to. Not saying they did, but you really have to watch for formula changes on every brand. It's a total PITA to have to watch every bag like that, but I've had it happen with 3 different foods over the last few years. Good luck!

  7. Bland diet will help. I have just finished having Rocket on 3 days of a bland diet using Evanger's Organic Canned Chicken. I did cook some sticky rice and added to it.


    His stomach recovered much faster than when I cook the bland diet myself. Don't know if it was a fluke or not, but the food was so finely ground that I think it was easier to digest than boiled beef or chicken breast that we've cooked in the past. I'm keeping a couple cans on hand now just for tummy issues. It seemed to be much better quality and was much cheaper than using the prescription canned food that we had to use the last time.


    If it persists, you might want to consider a round of Flagyl to help the stomach heal also.

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