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Posts posted by Time4ANap

  1. Sometimes loose poop means you are overfeeding (not always) . With any new food, make sure you are following the amounts to be fed based on the dog's weight that is noted on the package. It's real easy to change food and continue to to feed 2 cups "because that's what he always eats..." You may need less of a richer or higher calorie food.


    I found that things like pumpkin, yogurt etc always make it worse. Those just don't work for Rocket.


    I would try cutting back by 1/4 cup at a time with a week or so between adjustments to that amount and see if it gets better. He could just need an adjustment to the amount of food, not necessarily add-ins or a different food.

  2. Congratulations on adopting Wiley and welcome to GT.


    You will read lots of different opinions here on foods. No one is right, no one is wrong. What's ultimately right, is whatever works well for the hound.


    Lots of people here use ProPlan with great results. Lots of people also use the IAMs Green Bag which also has a low rating on many sites. A food can have a great rating on those web sites and still be crap to your dog.


    If the hound isn't having a problem on the Pro Plan, I wouldn't mess with it based on a rating. Nothing wrong with trying what the group suggested, but if it doesn't work out, don't be afraid to return to Pro plan if it was agreeing with Wiley.

  3. She will go eventually. She may not be used to going on a leash. This is pretty common.


    If you can safely do so, connect a couple leashes together to give her more room away from you. Let her go behind a bush or any way you can give her a little distance. With frequent trips out, she will go when she has to. It can take a couple days when they first come home to get into a routine - you'll be shocked at how long they can hold it when they put their minds to it.

  4. We have been very happy with the Precise line of foods. Rocket did great for several years on their Precise Foundation food, and we recently switched him to a mix of Foundation and their Senior food because he was starting to put on a few pounds and had a few tummy issues. The "Senior" food is formulated for dogs age 7 and over. It's lower fat and has less sodium. He is doing great on it, and his coat got as soft as bunny fur.


    Poop volume with the Senior food mixed in is less than half what it used to be, and bounces when it hits the ground. How's that for TMI?

  5. I've had Rocket do the same thing twice, but with the GSOD as well. He stopped as fast as he started. Have to assume it was just a charley horse or cramp of some type. No further issues afterward. He just looked at us like we were nuts for jumping up to check on him.....


    As long as he's not limping and doesn't appear to be sick or dehydrated, I wouldn't be too worried unless it persists

  6. Sounds like the tummy might be really torn up / sensitive. If the vet hasn't put him on Flagyl (Metronidazole), it may be time for a couple of weeks of it to try and heal the stomach.


    In addition, the bland diet is also a good idea while using the Flagyl. We have actually started using canned food instead of the cooked bland diet with great results when Rocket has stomach issues. We feed Evanger's canned Organic Chicken. It is ground very fine and digests easily. Nothing but chicken and water in it, and for us, it works better than the prescription canned food from the vet. Evanger's is available from Wag.com and Petflow.com if you can't find it locally. When we need to feed the bland diet, we feed 4 small meals a day instead of the usual 2 larger meals to make things easier on the tummy.


    Also - be sure that any Panacur treatments are between 2 and 3 weeks apart depending on the Vet's instructions. Giving Panacur once, then waiting til there's another instance of worms won't get them. You may need 2 or even 3 follow up treatments at regular intervals to get them all.


    Hope Hutch is feeling better soon.

  7. I don't usually go by the bag, I wait a few weeks and see if he is maintaining/losing/gaining and go from there. He was maintaining weight on less TOTW, so I have to assume that his softer poos are not caused by too much, but that is good info to have. They aren't that bad, and I have been adding raw beef and sweet potatoes and beets, that has been firming it up immediately, so maybe it just isn't the food for him. *sigh*


    TOTW seems to be a very rich food, much like our experience with Blue Buffalo. If we gave add-ins, we usually had to cut the amount of kibble back a little in those meals where we did so. It seems to be more of a balancing act with those rich kibbles. Both were very good, but we found that they were just too rich for Rocket's system to handle them for more than a few months before we were back to Big D or mush. Maybe try cutting about 1/4 cup of kibble when you give add-ins and see what happens.

  8. We used to feed TOTW until we reached a point where it just no longer worked for Rocket. The one thing to make sure you are doing is following the instructions for the amount you feed. It varies with each variety of TOTW. Being a rich food, it is easy to over-feed if you aren't following the instructions, resulting in soft poop.

  9. The bland diet creates very little in the way of a stool. I have had better luck feeding Rocket Evanger's Canned Organic Chicken when he has a stomach issue. It is ground very fine and I think it digests much easier. I usually don't bother with rice any more, but after a day or two if he needs more food will mix in pasta that is way overcooked so that he thinks he is full. Once we start getting regular bowel movements (by regular, I mean 1 or 2 a day - they will still not be regular in consistency) I soak kibble in warm water and mix it with the canned to start working it back in to his diet a little at a time.


    Also, make sure your pup is drinking. Check for dehydration and if the level in the water bowl isn't going down, I add just a splash of Gatorade (Rocket has a sweet tooth and will drink every time if there is Gatorade in his water) Others have added chicken broth to flavor the water and get a dog to drink.

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. The look on her face in the pictures show how much she loved her life with you.


    Run pain-free sweet Jet. :f_pink

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