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Everything posted by robinw

  1. robinw


    diane, surely eliza knows that you did your very best for her
  2. robinw


    i'm so sorry
  3. robinw


    i'm so, so sorry
  4. thanks trudy. it took how long for that to sink into my head???
  5. i'm so sorry. i can't imagine how scary that must've been, and to have it happen twice! you did protect leia. think about what would have happened if you and your wife weren't there to help her...
  6. robinw


    dee, i'm so, so sorry. we will all miss beanie
  7. robinw


    she was really cute. i sure she is showing meg the ropes
  8. robinw

    Feeling Very Low

    opting for euthanisia decision that i think makes it even harder to let go. i've had to make the same decision several times, and it is never easy. btw, i still miss beansy, my beloved lab mix, who ws PTS eleven years ago. sometimes it just doesn't go away.
  9. robinw


    you all did the very best you could and i so admire your efforts
  10. how long has the licking been going on? loca does that every autumn. with her, it's seasonal allergies. if it seems more than that, maybe a vet visit is in order?
  11. robinw


    i'm so sorry
  12. robinw

    Catmandoo Legend

    oh no!! i'm so very sorry
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