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Everything posted by Beautybabe

  1. I'm blind in one eye myself. Just don't let her pour your coffee. No depth perception. Seriously, a creature blind in one eye from birth has made lots of adjustments. There shouldn't be any problems. You'll want to check her other eye regularly, though, for injury or disease. Best wishes.
  2. Ouch. I just gotta say, as a relatively new greyhound owner, it's the drains that have the biggest yeeukkk factor.
  3. Martin wears a duct taped muzzle to keep him from licking a little wound on his foot--the result of 5 weeks of splinting and bandaging his broken toe. My vet said a little licking is OK but not to let him overdo it. I agree...it's like having an toddler. Whenever the muzzle is off, someone needs to be with him. He is learning "leave it"--wish I'd taught him that command earlier .
  4. All three of our family's dogs had dentals in the last year, each one within a a few weeks of arriving at their new homes. Emmet and Martin needed nothing but a good cleaning. Yogi had a couple of teeth extracted and it made a lot of difference in his stinky breath. My best advice...make sure they pee and poo thoroughly beforehand--poor Martin was completely "out" when we picked him up and he peed in the car. Yogi left the vet late in the day, after dark in a heavy rainstorm. As I was driving back to my daughter's house, there was the most g..awful smell. He had pooped in my car!
  5. My daughter's grey, Yogi, was one of the shy ones. Lots of OCD, up and down stairs whenever anyone visited, hiding in the bedroom, pacing and circling around the dining room table. A year later, he's a laid back hound who comes around for attention and acts like he's lived there all his life. He's not the best dog on a leash--he'd rather hang around the house--but even that is getting better. Yogi turned out to be an awesome pet and we all learned a lesson in being patient.
  6. Emmet wears size medium. He weighs about 78 pounds. We bought the larger size but it was way too big. You have to watch their dew claws. Our vet recommends putting a little gauze under the dew claw to keep it from digging into his leg while wearing the Therapaw. Also, we found that kids-size socks work well with the Therapaw.. I understand that the company will customize the boot to fit the hound. Maybe that would avert the dew claw problem that we had with Emmet. BTW, we go to one vet for the corns and a different vet for everything else. The corn vet is on the way to my husband's job in Boston, so they make it a "bring your dog to work" day.
  7. Totally feel your frustration. Beginning last March, we went through the X rays, exercise restrictions, etc. for weeks when Emmet was limping. Then one afternoon I got out a flashlight and really examined the pads of his front foot. Sure enough, barely visible, was a corn. When I pointed it out to the vet, she put a little oil on it and it showed up more clearly. The thing was tiny but disabling. He couldn't walk on pavement. He couldn't put any weight on his foot on any hard surfaces in the house. It was sad to watch this happy boy--just four years old--limp around with his head down. Now the vet Dremmels it every two months and we use Dr. Scholl's and soaking. She's recommending Burt's Bees Hand Salve. The corn has worked its way to the surface and is more manageable. Thankfully it's just one corn on one pad. Thera-paws might help with the pain of walking if it's a corn or seed wart or something on the surface of the pad. Good luck!
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