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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. I'm so sorry you couldn't have more time with him.
  2. I am so sorry for your loss.
  3. I am so sorry. I know how hard you fought to help her get better.
  4. I recently read (in more than one place) that the idea of dogs as "carnivores" is a confusion arising from the fact that dogs belong to the biological order Carnivora ... but pandas, which eat only herbivorous matter, belong to it too! So dogs as "carnivores" is properly a species classification only, not a description of dogs' natural diet. I found this most enlightening.
  5. I'm so sorry -- such a sudden loss seems the worst of all.
  6. I'm so sorry for the loss of your wonderful, loving girl. :f_pink
  7. Yes, I use Advantage Multi. My vet recommends it as the absolute best product for heartworm + parasites; it replaced Sentinel as what he prescribes. I HATE having to use two topicals a months most of the year (also Frontline since Advantage Multi doesn't do ticks), but if that's what my vet honestly thinks is superior (he tries to be very cutting-edge with the best treatments), we'll go with it. Anyway, no problem here. It's also safe to use with cats in the house, BTW.
  8. Well it would hardly explain why Beth obsessively eats FROZEN poop -- same nutrients in unfrozen poop but it evidently isn't as tasty and/or doesn't have that delectable crunch. (Can I say, thank God we're almost at the point when it will start staying above freezing at night? And people are getting a little lazy lazy about picking up after their dogs at the dog park??)
  9. Glad it's something treatable and simpler than IBD!
  10. Welcome from Iowa! Gorgeous dogs, I look forward to seeing MANY more pics of them!
  11. If he's having diarrhea you should probably just be fasting him anyway until tomorrow. That's always my vet's recommendation.
  12. I am so very sorry about this bad news on your beloved boy.
  13. Sending good thoughts to the dynamic duo....
  14. Worried here too and still thinking about Doolin many times a day....
  15. Welcome to your baby girl! I wish you many years of joy with her. From the shortest racing name to the longest adopted name, very cute.
  16. Thinking of Doolin all day and hoping for an update.....
  17. I really doubt prednisone would be prescribed as a first-line drug. Much more likely a simple anti-inflammatory/painkiller.
  18. Beth had a muscular thing with her neck once, and in addition to using a harness for a few weeks and Deramaxx as an anti-inflammatory, the vet showed me how to massage it, and we did a series of acupuncture sessions. It got better and has never so far recurred as an issue.
  19. It is very important that hypothyroidism NOT be diagnosed in a greyhound with just a T4! They need a full thyroid panel. My greyhound had a T4 of 0.4 and her panel revealed her to be perfectly normal. I think head tremors can be a linked to hypothyroidism, but this vet isn't practicing good greyhound medicine.
  20. Yikes. Sending good thoughts to you and most handsome Doolin. I agree about getting him to a hospital.
  21. Had you met greyhounds before adopting yours? What reading did you do about the breed, and why did you decide you wanted a grey? What did you think they'd be like? Greyhounds ARE very cat-like, and that's a trait many of us love in them, their quiet demeanor and gentleness in the home. In many ways they don't act like "typical" dogs. Yours sounds pretty normal to me; what you describe isn't submissiveness, it's typical breed behavior. And yes her personality may well come out more -- but she's never going to be in your face for attention or wanting to play all the time. Have you taken her someplace safe where she can run? There's nothing more beautiful to see than that. Given her the opportunity for a playdate with another grey or another safe dog or two? These might be things that would interest her -- running and chasing are what a greyhound does for fun. Doing a basic obedience class can also be a great bonding experience.
  22. Now that I've learned that Beth's intermittent D issues (never vomiting, except for one incident that I think was a stomach bug) were probably due to pancreatic inflammation, I would also want a cPL test (rule out pancreatitis) and a TLI done (check pancreatic levels). We thought she had sort of IBD tendencies, but it looks like the underlying issue was somewhat different, although it's hard to be completely sure.
  23. Beth is THE barkiest dog in our small group at the dog park (non-greys except for her)! She barks loudly and persistently at other dogs when she wants them to play -- and she barks at me when she's in a playful or aroused attention-seeking mood (like when I'm at the computer and she's decided it's time for her late-afternoon walk or for dinner). Yes, she is a very confident girl!
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