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Everything posted by GreytHoundPoet

  1. Soft tissue injuries take forever to heal. My performance girl was on crate rest and leash walking for 11 weeks, with 1 week of longer leash walks, and a week of light exercise. Then we had to work her up to running safely. Is it a toe that repeatedly dislocates, causing tissue issues?
  2. Welcome. I would love to see a full body shot of your pretty dog.
  3. Personality and temperament are more important than gender and color. See if they mesh well or not. I have 5 males and 2 females.
  4. One of my boys broke his hock at 2. It healed crooked and he has a slight permanent limp. Only people who know his story or really know dog movement notice it. He is very active and runs and plays every day. He does have some serious arthritis, and we supplement, but he does not let it slow him down. I get x-rays done annually to keep on top of any changes but nothing has really changed from age 2 to age 8.
  5. Hello! I'm Shannon. I share my home with Greyhounds, Ibizan Hounds, and a Galgo. I rarely hear that my hounds are ugly but it happens sometimes. I remember one time, recently, when I had an Ibizan and a Greyhound out with me and I was told that the Ibizan was the most beautiful dog this person had ever seen (I get that all the time with my boys) but that my Greyhound shouldn't feel bad because it was so homely. O.o That was one of the rudest compliments I had ever been paid.
  6. I have actually told adopters this quite a few times.
  7. She looks good, particularly for a 1.5 year old. As they mature they go through lankier stages. BTW, my performance girl looked like a walking rib cage surrounded by bulging, hard muscle for a long time as she was maturing. It is very typical in sighthounds for them to get "skinny" as they mature. The amount of rib and spine is fine and, while the hip bones are prominent, that could change with maturity (in which "filling out" happens) and more muscle tone. I have had a few hounds here with prominent hip bones and, rather than adding fat, I upped their conditioning and added muscle and they looked a lot better. You are on the right track by keeping her light due to that leg. She looks healthy to me. I never did get into the whole soft "pet weight" thing though. My hounds stay in running condition: fit, well-conditioned, and very active. Print this for your annoying co-workers: http://greyhoundcrossroads.com/index.php?page=weight
  8. There are a lot of arguments in favor of retaining dew claws for performance dogs, for reasons like krissy mentioned. There are people who will argue against them, as well. My lure coursing Greyhound has hers and uses them quite a bit when running and turning. My Ibizans do not have theirs, unfortunately. I have only had 1 Greyhound without dew claws (one of my personal dogs) in over 60 that have come through my house.
  9. We would love to make our fence 8 foot tall, but only because of our Ibizans. I know quite a few Ibizans that have cleared 7 foot from a standstill, easy peasy. The cost and type of fencing can be prohibitive, for sure. O.o I know a dog who broke his neck running full speed and slamming into a privacy fence. Accidents can happen with any kind of fence.
  10. I will admit that my yard, with the double fencing and double gates, looks a bit prison-ish. But, I was able to fence a lot more land with it and when cost is a consideration I'll always go with whatever gives my dogs more room. My Ibizans would go crazy with a smaller area to hunt and run. They're crazy.
  11. Welcome! Zoey is lovely. This is my Galgo, Argos. He came home from Spain in 2008.
  12. I feed the same food year round and rarely adjust amounts. We lure course in the spring, fall, and some of the winter and I keep my dogs in running muscle/condition. I just keep an eye on their weight and condition and adjust accordingly, if necessary.
  13. Welcome! I share my life with a Galgo, Argos. I also have Greyhounds and Ibizan Hounds.
  14. We've both made lure poles(wooden poles and rope) and bought lunge whips for lure play.
  15. I have 6 foot fencing with my Greyhounds but I also have a Galgo and Ibizan Hounds (Galgos are good jumpers and Ibizans are bred to be extremely high jumpers). I used to have 4 foot fencing with my Greyhounds and they did well. Interestingly enough the only dog who has ever jumped my 6 foot fence was a 7-year-old Greyhound brood mom.
  16. Welcome! I'm Shannon. I share my life with 4 Greyhounds, a Galgo, and 2 Ibizan Hounds. We also lure course (1 of the Greyhounds and the Ibizans).
  17. He is lovely! Congrats! Welcome to the sighthounds-other-than-Greyhounds club.
  18. My Dalmatian had torn her CCL years ago and we went with conservative management instead of surgery because her heart was bad. It did heal by itself over time but her's was a minor tear.
  19. Cute! I spend a lot of time in Conyers, one of my good friends lives there. She has an Ibizan (and a bunch of other assorted dogs). Perhaps you have seen her at Petsmart or something.
  20. I have one like that. He won't drink out of any bowl, even one I bring. I end up having to put it in my hands and he drinks from there or I just wet his gums if it is warm.
  21. Yes. It saved my Dalmatian from having back surgery. I ave also had it done on one of my Ibizans. He stepped weird running and his gait went off. Turns out he just went out of alignment. The chiro adjusted him and he was sound again the very next day.
  22. I think you need a medium, if I remember sizing correctly. I have helped folks fit Greyhounds before. I don't use either brands since they pull the dog's head to the side. I have a dog with neck issues due to injury so that wasn't good. I use the Infinity Collar from Bold Lead Designs because It applies pressure behind the ears and under the jaw instead. Every dog I have put it on has accepted it almost immediately too. It is a nice little training tool.
  23. I only had a single Greyhound for a few months before I adopted a second...and eventually ended up with 4 plus a Galgo and 2 Ibizans. He was a little less active until I added another Greyhound. He didn't care to run alone (but he will play alone). Now, all of mine run every single day for a decent amount of time, even my almost 10 year old first boy. They get restless if they can't run one day due to horrible weather or something. I have always had a higher energy household than many Greyhound homes and my dogs have always been very fit and active. I have thousands of running pictures on my computer since I stay out there with them while they run and play.
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