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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I am so sorry your time together was so short. Ginger must have been on a mission, because it sounds like she took every opportunity to create a memory for you. Beautiful tribute.
  2. Through tears of joy I want to say Happy Birthday and good goin' Kylie! How wonderful that she knew enough to send you this unmistakable sign on a day that you will never forget! Wouldn't you just LOVE to know what Theodore was going thinking???? Holy ghost busters, Batman!
  3. He's so adorable! I still believe that if this is in the beginning stages, you can weather this storm and have lots of time left. Please post more photos of Archie! He's' such a doll! In the meantime, we will keep sending powerful prayers - for both of you!
  4. Happy Birthday! Riley is such a sweet love and I am sure he would do anything for you - especially since he probably knows how worried you are. I think you and he deserve some quality time together without worrying about Vet visits, chemo and whatnot. We will keep you tucked tightly in our prayers.
  5. Hoping that the pred will kick in soon and have him feeling like his old self. It's tough on the old guys, but we'll just have to pray just that much harder. Hugs for everyone and healing light for Toby.
  6. Sending powerful prayers for Iceman! Will keep all appendages crossed tomorrow.
  7. Aw, Miss Loca. If it's not one thing, it's another with your own sweet self. Ok, now that we know a little more about what's ailing you, it's time to eat! Please baby girl! We'll keep sending comforting thoughts directly to your tummy.
  8. If he's been the healthy one, then he has a better than average chance in living as long as he was meant to with a few adjustments! Yes, it's scary, but he's your Archie! He can do it with your help! We will keep praying for him! Hope you feel better!
  9. duncan41


    I am so sorry. She was a very special girl Run pain free, Mango, and watch over your Mom who loved you best.
  10. Susan, you know my wish for you. It sounds like life is taking on a familiar rythmn again and with the gentle reminders and physical tributes to Alan, each day will bring more smiles than sadness. He will always be that Alan in the photo - your beautiful, beautiful boy.
  11. Oh, he's such a sweet boy! Sending buckets of prayers and comforting hugs for Riley! Zooming in on the chemo agents to go right to that nasty tumor and knock it out!
  12. Loca, honey, eat - please???!!! We're all about worried to a frazzle and you know what they say about frazzles, don't you? (Neither do I!!!) Hopefully a good night's sleep and some powerful drugs will give her an appetite. Hugs and prayers all night long. We're on guard, Robin, so you can get some rest.
  13. for Robin. for Loca. I just know she's going to feel a whole lot better after the fluids take hold!
  14. Socks and Tex, sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! Aawww! So cute! And Shadow obviously has bestowed a seal of approval! Welcome from FL!
  15. He's so handsome! Three is such a lovely number, isn't it? Congratulations!
  16. Welcome and hooray for seniors! Regardless of how this whole thing turns out, it's amazing how we fall head-over-heels in love - maybe not instantly, but most definitely forever! M - Go- Blue!
  17. You went to the best place to get the diagnosis and made the best decision for Lisa. Everyone with a sick greyt second guesses their decisions or at the very least, the timing of those decisions. You showed her how very much you loved her by releasing her from her pain. Better a day too early than an hour too late. I am so very sorry for your loss. I will keep you tucked gently in our prayers. Godspeed, Lisa.
  18. I agree! Same with my two girls when they adopted us. They were full of "it" but couldn't walk further than a couple of houses and back at first. It took at least a month before we were covering a decent distance!
  19. Prayers, hugs and healing light for handsome Joey.
  20. Poor Avery! Praying for powerful healing!
  21. Oh, you are so right on! Will keep all fingers, toes and paws crossed for Phoenix in hopes that the rx works and no further treatment needed.
  22. Wonderful news about Diamond. Your posts reads like a novel! The twist and turns of the story sure grab my attention - problem is, I just wish it was a figment of someone's imagination instead of a true life story. Thrilled that you are out-and-about again - any attack is a confidence breaker, but you and Diamond have been through so much that it's amazing that you could pick up where you left off. Diamond sounds like she has opinions of her own - a girl after my own heart! I will keep praying for continued healing - body, mind and spirit.
  23. I'd be taking him in for his annual/blood work. Many things can change in a year. Will be praying for the JRT/Whippet "kitty".
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