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Everything posted by krissn333

  1. For Ace, we had her tested because I suspected she'd had some small seizures. She also had seemed more crabby about her space than usual.
  2. Thanks everyone! I'll swing by the store tomorrow.
  3. My friend just had her girl at the evet last night for this. A few days ago she either banged it or dislocated it playing outside. When she hurt it, it cramped up on her and looked all mangled. She hobbled in the house and went to her bed, licked at it, and it uncramped. The knuckle looked a little swollen but she was walking on it fine so her mom didn't think anything of it. Fast forward to yesterday. Again pup is out in the yard playing, this time won't even come in, is just standing there holding up her paw. Toe looks mangled again. Brought her inside, she went to her bed to lick at it again. After an hour or so passed and it still wasn't better they took her to the evet. It is dislocated, and the problem is that when she originally injured it she stretched the ligaments/tendons in there, so even if they pop it back into place, it's not going to stay put because the ligaments are stretched and won't hold it in place. So, they set the toe and she's splinted and wrapped up all the way up to her elbow. Vet told them to keep the splint on for 3 weeks. Didn't Chris's Sequoia go through something similar a long time ago? Hope Stella is feeling better soon!
  4. I've seen milk thistle mentioned here to help with liver stuff...Ace has had some bilirubin showing up in her urine...not enough to really concern our vet but he did mention that it could mean her liver isn't terribly happy. Thought I'd give this milk thistle a try...but I don't know what it is...is it a pill or a liquid? Where do I get it and how much should she get a day? She weighs 60 lbs.
  5. Just got myself caught up on Chancy's adventures...sounds like she's got a completely new lease on life now! Continued good thoughts for you and your sweet tigergirly!
  6. I think that's a greyt idea! I'm just bad at being able to make things like that. Maybe someone can come up with a generic excel file that we can each edit to put our own dogs' names in. Could be a big help to a lot of people I'm sure!
  7. Well I'm sure that's left you feeling a little , eh? I am sure he's fine, I would think they'd call until they reached you in person if it were cause for any major concern. Sucks not knowing though. Don't let your imagination come up with any ideas, they will always be worse than what is actually going on. Hugs to you tonight, get some rest. 8am will come quickly!
  8. Sounds like he's chilled out now but wanted to answer some of your questions. We have used Xanax on a few dogs at the kennel in the past. I am not sure of the dosage on that, maybe someone that has used it will know that (or something to ask the vet about). I think it was half a pill, but I don't know if the pills come in different dosages. Actually we used it a couple of times on SusanP's Zippy when she was still at the kennel! The biggest fear I would have with him not being able to calm down is the possibility of overheating...they hyperventilate and you can actually see them turning red sometimes (belly/chest is the best place to see this). Something you can do if you're worried about that & the power goes out is soak some large towels in cold water, and place them in the freezer while it's still cold...drape them over him if he won't lie down, if he will, you can drape it over his chest/belly or wad it up and place it on key points on the body - under his armpits and in the area between his rear legs and his, erm, private parts. You can also use ice packs for this too if you have them handy. I am most fortunate to only have to deal with upset dogs when there are fireworks...storms don't seem to bother them at all. However, I have a friend with an extremely thunderphobic dog and she keeps a DAP collar on her all through storm season, it really makes a difference, because no matter where she goes, the DAP is with her...might be something to try.
  9. So sorry Can we get the pic of Sonny with his orange in his mouth one last time? That was my favorite picture of his antics, it always made me laugh.
  10. *UPDATE* Just got home...turns out the boy has lots of blood in his urine and it's probably a kidney infection...we did some bloodwork, should get it back tomorrow. We have antibiotics for him and we'll go from there. The infection is making him walk funny, doc adjusted him and could tell he was in pain when he got to his kidney area. He's acting like a nutty idiot today...pogoing around when I grabbed his leash, smiling at me. He's pretty worn out though so we'll get started on the antibiotics and try to put some more weight on him...he's down to 61 lbs...he raced at 63/64 lbs. Poor baby. Thank you all for all of your prayers and well wishes...we'll keep you updated.
  11. We have a vet appointment for tomorrow (Monday) at 4:15 central. I posted a week or so ago about him acting kind of punky and having lost some weight. I switched his food to something with more calories and he gets an ensure after dinner in the evening every other day. He looks a little thicker to me, which is good, and I was almost considering cancelling his appointment because he seemed a lot better. Today he seems to be favoring one of his rear legs. He is using it but seems to be kind of cautious when he walks. He didn't run in the yard today and just kind of meanders around. He had no trouble squatting to poop or anything like that, his appetite is good and he wags his tail for me, but something is amiss in his eyes...he just looks at me like he's hurting. No other signs though, just the looks he gives me. I am TERRIFIED of the C word and I can't stop crying. I am really really really hoping he's just thrown something in his back that can be fixed with some chiropractic. I've manipulated his legs and he doesn't seem to mind that at all but when he's standing, if I scritch near his butt he tenses...I don't know if he's hurting or if he's doing his butt dance. Please please please let it be an easy fix...he's my boober boy and I can't bear the thought of anything worse than a pinched nerve I am so scared right now...
  12. None of mine have had dentals since their dentals they had when I adopted them. Latte needs a dental, his front teeth are icky...but he's a puppy mill IG and I think he is just genetically predisposed to bad dental health. Ace's teeth don't really look bad at all, but I think I will take her for a dental pretty soon, they could use a cleaning. I also wonder if the little bit of tartar she's got built up has contributed to the kidney/bladder problems she's had...I figure it couldn't hurt to get those pearlies cleaned up a bit.
  13. krissn333

    Sizzlin Simon

    She sure was a spitfire...and had the shortest nose on a greyhound I have ever seen! I used to call her the teddy bear because of her short nose and fuzzy brindle face. She visited our beloved Garry in the hospital shortly before she was adopted by Susan and her family. She sure did bring a smile to his face - he asked for her specifically I feel blessed to have known such a regal lady with such attitude and personality!
  14. Diane I am thankful that Glynis gives her permission for you to share with us too - I don't think they're odd at all! We do everything we can for our pups because they are part of the family. A family with a sick skin kid would move their bedroom to the dining room if it was called for, why not do it for a fur kid too? Winslow sounds delightful and the toy in the bag on the porch story just cracked me up! He's really got them trained, doesn't he?
  15. When she's peely I'm sure it hurts as sometimes it will bleed She isn't too fond of having goo put on her nose but I try to apply it in the direction that she's peeling so as not to pull back the skin. When we go out we use Chapstick with SPF too...it helps if you keep it in your pocket so it's warmed up and "spreads" easier.
  16. Pinky's regimen is tetracycline, niacinamide, and vitamin E twice daily, and she gets an omega-3 fish oil capsule once a day. If her nose is being crusty I put vaseline or carmex on it (she won't lick the carmex off so that is sometimes better). On occasion (if she flares up), the insides of her ears get crusty and itchy so she gets Burt's Bee's Baby Bee cream rubbed in there until we can get her under control again...she loves it!
  17. I saw this and immediately clicked on it...my friend's boy passed away suddenly from this recently. They had no idea anything was wrong with him until it was too late, so they weren't able to do anything to help him. She said their vet said that if it is caught early medication can help, but will not cure the condition. Often this happens and the owner will not really see any clear cut symptoms, just labored breathing and being lethargic. Unfortunately in the summer months we often see our pups panting anyway just because it's hot, so we wouldn't think anything of it. I read somewhere that greyhounds may have larger hearts than other dog breeds anyway, I am not sure if that's valid or not. It's very devastating, but I'm glad that at least some medication seems to be helping him. If you want to PM me your email addy I will pass it along to my friend, I know she'd be more than happy to talk with you.
  18. This is the first time I've actually had time to read everything in Winslow's diary...i can tell you I'll be tuning in whenever something new is added from now on. What an inspirational and heartwarming story. I had tears in my eyes watching his swimming videos. I can only hope and pray that if osteo ever strikes against any of my babies that I will have the strength to give them what they need as Glynis and Craig have for Winslow. He is so HANDSOME! (I am a sucker for white & brindle )
  19. Just went through a tail situation with Ace...I always muzzle her for bandage changes and anything that might hurt because she's very temperamental and will nip if it hurts. I know she isn't a mean dog or anything like that, she's just crabby when she's hurting! A tip if you have taped anything to hair - use mineral oil, baby oil, or vitamin E oil on some gauze or a cotton ball and wipe the tape as you pull it back...comes unstuck right away It was a lifesaver for us because the ER vet put tape DIRECTLY on Ace's shaved skin on her tail...it was very sensitive and painful for her...we just poured some oil in a small cup and put the end of her tail in it until the tape came unstuck - had to wash her off then though because she was all oily!
  20. I posted about Ace and Fritz & their food in the food discussion area but I think if some of you H&M gurus could look at it I'd love any ideas. I should have posted it here instead... http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=173945
  21. We see the bleeding/seeping between the toes with our broken leg kids if they've just had surgery and the leg doesn't get wrapped quite right - all that fluid is trying to find a way out! Usually that's helped by us re-wrapping the leg and including the toes in the wrap. I'm sure Rusty will just re-absorb everything though it will feel funny for him to walk for a few days. If you want to help it along you can wrap his legs with Ace bandage...but you have to start at his feet to encourage the fluid to move up the leg. That might just annoy him more though Yay for turkey necks!
  22. The swelling should go down in a day or two as his body absorbs those fluids that are in his legs. Maybe try some yogurt too if he likes that...should keep his tummy calm and still give him something for his body to run on.
  23. Fingers crossed for a happy homecoming! Keep us posted on how he's doing!
  24. Just chiming in to jump on the wagon with Diane...if his liver is out of whack he DEFINITELY shouldn't be on Rimadyl. Some dogs have a stronger reaction to it than others, in some dogs it really tears up the stomach and throws the liver into distress right away. Tramadol for pain should help.
  25. Awww...even when he's not feeling well he's still the most handsome boy out there (don't tell my Fritz I said that though!). I think it's a good sign he ate the sausage...baby steps. Maybe that will whet his appetite a little bit, you know? Tell him we're thinking of him!
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