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Posts posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Keeping you and Dempsey in my thoughts and keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well... it must be a relief to realize the surgeon knows his stuff. And sometimes the young ones are the most enthusiastic and compassionate, so don't worry about his age... :goodluck :goodluck :goodluck :goodluck :goodluck


    Sending lots of hugs :bighug:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

  2. Thank you for all your responses. Thanks also for the support after my rant :wubsite:) I feel much better now. And I don't care what other people think anyway. As Batmom said, some people should just be ignored.


    LittleGreys, I have been reading your posts about Munchie, in fact that's the first thing I read on GT when I suspected a UTI a couple of days ago... Thanks for the input...hope she's better now...


    Merlin says thanks for the belly rubs and scritches... :ghplaybow:D

  3. Thank you so much for your responses! I didn't know about the acidophilus capsules! I didn't know about that. I once gave him yoghurt but I bought water buffalo yoghurt by mistake (I'm vegan and don't eat dairy, so I wasn't really sure if it made a difference so picked the first one I saw) - er, yeahhhh - that didn't work too well, he got an upset tummy. Maybe plain yoghurt is better, I'll try that. However, so far he's been ok... he got his first dosage of Clavamox last night after dinner and when I took him out this morning he pooped normally. I was expecting all sorts of weird stuff, but no... I'll monitor the situation though... out of interest, can you just buy acedophilus capsules anywhere?


    Also - Batmom, you mentioned Metamucil wafers to help with loose stool.. I'm confused, isn't Metamucil something people take to help with constipation? :dunno

    I didn't have to take Merlin out as much last night - just once at 2am, DH took him down - and he slept soundly in his crate most of the night. I am back at work today, but I have decided to go let him out at 10am and then lunchtime as usual, just to break it up for him a bit more. Then tomorrow we'll go back to normal. Yesterday afternoon he was already showing less urgency in his need to go out and pee all the time - even before we started on the Clavamox. I think it may be due to the fact that I encouraged him to drink a lot and went out with him as much as he needed to the night before and yesterday morning - maybe that helped to start flushing things out a bit. He still peed some blood this morning though. It's early days...


    What upset me is that everyone is telling me that my dog is a burden (because he has separation anxiety and he's anxious.... because we've been to the vet several times this year... etc) and my boss even said to me this morning, "Well I know one thing for sure - I won't ever be adopting a greyhound! They're so fragile and needy all the time!"... Of course I set the record straight, but I was SO put off. :angry: Just because Merlin has SA it doesn't mean that all greys have it. And from what I have heard, UTIs are quite common in dogs. But now people at work who know nothing of greyhounds are starting to think that greys are just "too much hassle". They have the right to think what they want, of course, but I find it rather offensive and it's certainly not true. Sometimes people can be so shallow. Sorry this turned into a rant, I'm just a bit upset. probably the lack of sleep making me emotional :rolleyes:

  4. I just got back from the vet and she confirmed that Merlin has a UTI. :( She put him on Clavamox for two weeks, he starts tonight. I'm hoping it won't make him vomit. I read somewhere that his stools might be a bit runny... I'm wondering how long it will take before I can stop taking him out every 1.5 hours to pee... I got no sleep last night because he had to go out all the time (we live in an apartment - on the 3rd floor), so I am exhausted right now, but of course it's nothing compared to what he's going through, peeing blood, poor baby. :sad1


    Despite the lack of sleep and the stress, today was an amazing day. For the first time since we adopted Merlin nearly a year ago, Merlin snuggled up to me and napped on my bed with me, with his head right against my head. It was the most unbelievably tender moment I have ever experienced with him. Maybe it's just me being sentimental or reading things into his behavior, but sometimes I really get the feeling that dogs understand when they're being looked after and that nursing them, taking care of them, going the extra mile, all that stuff just somehow really deepens your bond with your dog. I love Merlin so much; it doesn't matter to me that he's not really a snuggly dog. I know he shows it in his own way. But when he did that - I didn't even open my eyes... I just lay there and smiled, drinking in the feeling, and as I felt his soft warm furry head against mine, I thought: Life is good.




    Just thought I'd share. :)

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