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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. If there was anything in his records to suggest an allergy then I think most insurance companies would consider IBD as something related and not cover it. Was he ever tested for allergies? I'm curious as to what in his record suggested allergies.

    The best thing is to get insurance early before you have to take your pet to the vet for any reason other than the examination required by the insurance company. Once something is in their record then it is used as a basis for not paying for something.

    I had Healthy Paws for Chase and have to say that I am very happy with everything they covered for him, but to be honest for the next dog I hope to only pay the monthly premiums and never have to file a claim.

  2. Roux, I am so sorry that your precious Crouton is gone. Like you, the one thing that has helped me through the loss is knowing there is no more pain.

    Lori, I'm sorry that Cecil has not improved as you had hoped he would and now once again you find yourself having to face saying goodbye.

    Jen, I hope Zuri has many more happy days, weeks and months with you.

    Hugs :grouphug to all.

  3. I've been sending them Jen, but I will send more. :hope:candle I hope the morning brings improvement.

    If I may say this and this is only looking in hindsight because I didn't know Chase had osteo until it was too late, the biggest mistake I made was not keeping him on a leash when I let him out to potty when I noticed how much pain he was in whenever he would come running back in.

    As much as we would like to see them run and play like normal healthy dogs, the truth is they aren't. The best we can hope to do is keep them hopefully calm and happy for as long as we can keep them comfortable.

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