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Everything posted by vjgrey

  1. I'm so sorry to hear that. She always seemed so upbeat and positive.
  2. We had a similar scare with Gabe just a few weeks after we brought him home. He started limping, his foot was swollen, he got VERY sick, and he developed a big lump on one of his toes. Completely terrified me. Our vet removed the lump surgically, cleaned it out and sent it all off to the lab. I can't remember offhand what he called it, but it was a type of benign cyst. Thinking lots of good thoughts for your pretty girl.
  3. We have wood floors and LOVE our Dyson.
  4. In Kansas - Interceptor year-round, Frontline as needed.
  5. We knew they were going to the farm to "look," and they've been talking about it for years (the husband grew up with greyhounds - he's the one who convinced us to adopt three years ago). We weren't sure they'd come home with one, though.
  6. NO, she's not mine, but I do have first dibs on babysitting. Our friends who live two floors down adopted this pretty girl today. SO excited to have another greyhound in the building. She's extremely sweet and very calm. She's also teeny, tiny. Just a little bigger than Lucy.
  7. Her stools are still really runny and still have a little blood in them, but she's going MUCH less frequently, which is nice. The vet confirmed that she's not dehydrated and thinks the blood is just from going so frequently. Poor sweetheart. He said the medication she's on takes 24/48 hours to kick in, so hopefully we'll see some improvement by Monday. She definitely has more energy, and we've even had to stop her from running and playing today.
  8. We're in Wichita. Thanks for thinking about us!
  9. More good thoughts for Lucy, please. She's having a rough recovery. She was spayed on Tuesday, came home Wednesday morning, and she's been really sick for the last three days. She's had awful diarrhea, has refused water and now has blood in her stool. She's going back to the vet this afternoon to stay the night so they can watch her, give hydration if needed and hopefully get the diarrhea under control. I hate seeing her like this - I miss my happy, playful, naughty little girl.
  10. I wouldn't mind paying a small fortune if I were happier with our vet. In Oklahoma, I used a vet who I knew was expensive and drove 45 minutes to see him. I didn't mind at all, because he was phenomenal with my dogs, and he has a lot of experience with greyhounds. This vet isn't bad, but he's not good enough to justify what we're paying. We're moving soon, so it's a moot point, but if we weren't, I'd definitely be changing vets.
  11. Is it normal to pay over $500 for a spay, or is my vet just obscenely expensive? I did request all of the "optional," pre-surgery bloodwork, etc . . but I expected something more in the $300 range.
  12. She's going in Tuesday morning to be spayed. We planned to do this right after we brought her home, of course, but she went into heat a week after, so we had to wait. I know she'll be fine, but I'm a normal, anxious mama, and I'm SO sad that I'll have to leave her there overnight. I know the house will seem way too quiet without my naughty, sassy puppygirl.
  13. What a sweetheart! For some dog food? I'd say you made a really good trade.
  14. Oh how awful. I'm so, so sorry.
  15. I would be LIVID at that vet tech. Who SAYS something like that over the phone without seeing the dog? Hope you get this figured out soon.
  16. I was just admiring her pictures last week - she's a gorgeous girl! Congrats and thank you for taking the time to work with her.
  17. What a sad loss - such a young boy to have been through so much. I'm glad he knew people loved him and were trying to help him.
  18. Sometimes my hounds allow ME to use the couch.
  19. vjgrey


    My heart sank when I saw the subject line. I'm so, sorry for your loss. He's always seemed like such a sweetheart.
  20. What a pretty little girl! Congrats!
  21. Oh, poor Emmy! They would've been fired immediately for letting my dog out, ESPECIALLY the second time. But. . . peeing on your house? Seriously?! Seriously?! Who DOES that?
  22. I'm so very sorry. She was such a gorgeous girl.
  23. I'm so sorry for the loss of your pretty girl.
  24. How heartbreaking. I'm so, so sorry!
  25. I'm disappointed - I saw this and thought Zali had a new little sister.
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