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Posts posted by hidoey

  1. I've never seen a dog get loopy from rimadyl. Ours have always tolerated it quite well and it's really helped with senior arthritis.


    Agreed. It has been a godsend for many of our hounds.


    Deramax, on the other hand, is lethal in my opinion. One dose of it and our Annie went into kidney failure and died quickly thereafter. I would stay away from that.


  2. oh no...... I think Miss Presley was actually the first little hedgamahog I ever saw, and I fell instantly in love with her, and loved imagining her play and enjoy her little Africa.


    I'm so very sorry Miss Jennifer, you are an exceptional mama bear to your sweet girly, and took wonderful, loving care of her. You were both lucky to have each other.


    Rest well, tiny little one.


    Jackie, Bindi and Dazzle

  3. Hilda, my god, I'm so sorry and stunned. What a year.....


    You are a wonderful soul and your babies adore you. They will watch over you, and never, ever stop loving you.


    God bless, babies, all of you.


    Jackie, Bindi and Dazzle

  4. Linda, I'm so heartbroken for you. Cricket, what a beautiful girlie, inside and out. And Jett not so long ago.... I'm so, so sorry. Let your angels take care of you, they will let you know they are happy and whole and will see you again. The love will never leave.


    Rest in peace, sweetheart.


    Jackie, Bindi and Dazzle

  5. My lovely, precious Gracie, my sweet doe look-a-like who introduced me to this wonderful world of greyhounds, would have been 20 years old today.


    My little doey, I love you and miss you beyond words. :( Your pictures still surround me and I still love to stare into your sweet face. Happy birthday, pumpkin, till we meet again. I love you. :love2


    Mommy Jackie

  6. Susan, there is no question you and your precious Jack were meant to find each other. Bindi, Dazzle, my angel Payne and I are honored to have "known" him.


    Love you, sweet Jack, you are loved fiercely and will be missed.


    Love, Jackie

  7. Please send a little blessing to my wonderful, beautiful boy Payne. He left us yesterday afternoon at 2:30, peacefully in our arms. He knows he will be loved and missed fiercely forever. Words can't describe what he means to us.


    Rest in peace, my lovely boy. You're not hurting anymore. We love you, baby.


    Mommy Jackie

  8. Marc, your Pinky is a lovely, precious girl. Happybirthday, sweetheart, may you be safe and sound.


    Marc, I'm so sorry this happened. You obviously love her and miss her very much.



    Jackie, Payne and BindiBug

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