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Posts posted by hidoey

  1. I'm sorry, and praying for good results.


    My 11 year old Payne has been limping for about a month now - turns out he has a slipped disc (ouch) and has just finished a series of rymidal (sp?). The meds did wonders for his limp, but last night we came home to explosive Big D and massive vomiting... took him in today for blood work and exrays. Xrays are OK, we'll know blood results tomorrow. Hoping the meds didn't cause intestinal ulcers.... Payne is sound asleep now, finally. It was a very rough day and night.


    Good luck, and don't panic... there could be lots of other reasons, and I hope everything turns out fine.


    Jackie and Payne

  2. Our precious Twilite left us on April 23 at 4 pm. She went gently and peacefully, we held her in our arms and whispered secrets and lovies in her beautiful blond ears....... she knows she was safe and loved.


    My baby girl, we had you just 26 short days, and every single one was a gift. We love you fiercely and always will. Rest in peace, my angel Twilite. :brokenheart


    Love you forever and ever,


    Mommy Jackie, Daddy Ty, brudder Payne, sissy Bindi, and your kitties, Push Pin and Nick :heart




    Monday, April 28 -My Twilite is home with me now, forever safe and sound..... :heart

  3. Oh my goodness, Rugrat, despite this sad, sad news, your froggy photo made me smile! Thank you sweet boy, and safe journey. You are so loved.


    Our sympathies.


    Jackie, Payne and Bindi


  4. :blink: My 11 year old boy Payne is on 40 mgs prozac per day. It has helped him remarkably well. He was terrified of everything, plus nobody ever really gave the poor guy a chance before (we are his 5th family; have now had him 3 years last month - he will NEVER be bounced again.) I can sympathize with how neurotic he was, since I'm highly sensitive too...



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