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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. It'll be a different whine. Just like with a kid--that annoying "Mommy mommy mommy mommy" is very different when the kid just wants you to drop what you're doing and pay attention to them than the shriek if they actually NEED you!
  2. If you took her to the vet, and shortly thereafter she started itching, it's possible she has a hitch hiker! I've never missed a dose of Frontline Plus, but George still brought home some of the little bastards the last two times I took him to Nantucket. My point? It's not 100% effective, and a vets office would be a prime place to pick up a flea!
  3. Try one of the Nova Pearls shampoos--look for one for itching. I've used both oatmeal and coal tar shampoos with decent success. But if he has seasonal allergies, the allergans are in the air, not his fur.
  4. I had never heard of this, so I Google'd it. You can get it on Amazon.com, but it looks like nothing more than topical oils. Feeding essential fatty acids benefits more than the coat. There are natural anti-inflammatory properties and every vet I've ever used has recommended them (not a particular brand) for joint health in addition to the skin/coat benefits. I do have a topical oil that I've used on George in the past--it's a spray on, and I put it where he's REALLY dry (his "arm pits"!).
  5. I had a dog who had night vision problems. He was the bravest, toughest boy--until it got dark out, and then he stuck to me like glue! He was fine inside--he knew where everything was, after all, but when I walked him at night he got nervous. I find it hard to believe a dog in pain would whine only at night. Is there anything else? Like a ceiling fan you run when you sleep? Anything like that?
  6. John, that is not marking out of spite, that was marking his territory so the other dog would know its his. Very different actions. Dogs don't have the "capacity" for spite. Spite is a higher-thinking action that dogs brains simply do not have. People love to anthropomorphize their dogs to better understand them, but in the end, they simply arent that bright. I agree; the situation described above isn't at all the same as what the OP is asking about. This describes a dog on dog communication, not a dog being spiteful to its owner. I agree; dogs simply don't think the same way we do--thank goodness!
  7. There is very little actual chocolate in chocolate ice cream, chocolate cookies, etc. Read the carton. Way down on the list is MIGHT say "cocoa," or it might be among the many "chocolate flavored" items.
  8. George gets virtually zero off leash time, and has ZERO interest in socializing with any dog that's not a Greyhound. The two or three times I was able to find a full fenced field for George to "run" in, he sniffed the fence and peed on every post. He just wasn't interested. I think if he had other Greyhounds to romp with, he'd love it, but he seriously has no interest in other dogs. Even when I'd take him to my parents, who had two dogs, and a little fenced yard, the dogs never even looked at each other beyond the "Hi, I'm back" sniff when I'd first arrive. It was almost funny that we'd have three dogs in the house totally ignoring each other for days. You might be overthinking his need/desire to socialize with other dogs.
  9. You'd think, reading GT long enough, that only Greyhounds do this, but truthfully lots of dogs of all breeds do this, and even some cats! I used to have a horse that did it! OK, so she couldn't hold the position long, but... I think it's just comfy! My dog does it all the time. That's why he loves our memory foam bed--helps hold him in position!
  10. Look at the size of those paws!!!
  11. Here you go: Your Girl's Greyhound Data page Her grandsire on her mother's side is my dog's sire! Oshkosh Slammer! Slammer pups are (so I hear!) known for their good personalities and many of them smile (including mine). She ran a TON of races, particulary given her age! Your post made me really happy. Nice to see a dog so comfy so soon!
  12. I don't even understand this--the worms you can get from a rabbit are "a cosmetic problem"? Seems like an odd thing for a veterinarian to say.
  13. You do take him out AFTER he eats too, right? Because most dogs have to go after they eat. Time varies, but for George he ALWAYS poops after he eats, morning and evening. Here's our routine: up at the butt crack of dawn, he goes out immediately for a few minutes just to piddle. Inside, I feed him. Then I drink the elixer of life (coffee!), and don my dog walking gear. We do our daily 2 mile walk (during which he poops once or twice, without fail). Of I go to work so that I can keep him in style, as he insists. Home, out immediately. He piddles 5 or 6 times, and once in a while poops. Inside for cuddles, then he eats. One hour later, I take him out. This is his evening poop. One more time before bed, and that's that. So he does poop 2-4 times a day, and I expect if he didn't go out after he ate, he'd probably be pooping inside (which actually, he's never done except once when he had horrible diarrhea in the crate...). Oh, and he says "thanks" for the compliment.
  14. Maybe he's just TIRED if she's only coming 2.5 hours after he already had a 2 mile walk? I'd love a dog walker if I could afford one, but I surely wouldn't want her to come so soon after I'd left. That's barely even a good nap in Greyhound terms!
  15. My dog sleeps all day every day. I think most Greyhounds do! Specially those who belong to us working stiffs! Maybe what he's telling you is he prefers his own couch? Perhaps just a nice long walk before you go to work is enough?
  16. Oh dear, so sad. I hope you realize now this has NOTHING to do with the noise from countertop installation? I'm sorry your sweet old buddy is feeling so poorly. Hopefully the ultrasound gives you better information and you can make some choices for your best pal.
  17. I've never heard of a dog showing any sort of "symptoms" of having worms other than diarrhea or bloating or weightloss (depending on what type). I agree--sounds like his anal glands are impacted or infected. Indoor/outdoor cats are routine explosed to all sorts of nasties. She should be on a flea/tick preventative, a heartworm preventative, and have all the appropriate vaccines.
  18. I just purchased a bottle of Deramaxx, 100 mg. 90 of them (he takes 1/2 a day). It was $294 from a pet pharmacy (probably would have been at least double at the vet). I WISH it was $70!
  19. A dog can't just muster up some nice poop to make a point! Seems like a medical issue. Does he get any exercise, or does he just go out in the yard to relieve himself? Just curious on that point (cause walking seems to get the poop moving along, and perhaps if you walked him, he'd be "pooped out" regardless of the cause.
  20. Oh, I'm so sorry! But you have to know that living until 13 is a feat for most any dog. I honestly don't think five days of Deramaxx could cause ulcers. My dog takes it daily, and the truth is, I know the potential risks. The benefits, for him, outweigh them. My last dog took Rimadyl for years. He would not have survived until 13 if he hadn't, his arthritis was too severe. Run free, True.
  21. Great! Don't hesitate to ask more questions! I'm going to admit I thought about returning George at one point--he was howling for hours and hours on end and I lived in a condo. He was also peeing in the house, had "happy tail" (bleeding tail that kept busting open) and it was a bit of a nightmare! Releasing him from the crate fixed the howling, and eventually the right cocktail of drugs cured the peeing (for a while anyway! but that's another story!) and four years later, I've very grateful for the help my group gave me in those very difficult early days.
  22. Around here, $300 for a dental would be a bargain!
  23. My bet is that you probably opened a new bag of food, they didn't care for it, then you started all kinds of add-ins, and now they're playing with you. If they're healthy, and not underweight, I'd pick the food you want them to eat (one they did well on), serve it to them, and if they don't eat it within 15 minutes, take it away and don't feed them another thing until the next meal. I'm guessing by the third meal, they'll like it just fine! Please don't do this if they're NOT healthy and a good weight.
  24. I wasn't aware that autoimmune diseases went away? Does she have lupus? That could make her nose painful.
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