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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. That is FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hi Welcome from a former Penn State Girl. Congratulations on the new addition. Welcome to the group.
  3. 4greyhounds


    I am so Sorry. Run Free Kiowa
  4. Sending lots of Prayers and white light to Emmy and your family. Also lots of hugs, I am sorry I am just now seeing this and my heart goes out to all of you.
  5. I am so Sorry. Run Free Sweet Girl
  6. I am sorry I have no advice. But I wanted to send you hugs and let you know I am thinking about you and Flashman.
  7. :colgateWow. Great Wildlife pictures! That must be really exciting to be that close up.
  8. Safe Travels, are you playing lots of car games??? Anything to make the time go by, dadddddddd are we there yet??????
  9. Happy 15th Birthday Queenie.
  10. I have not had a computer for over a week. So I have missed all the updates, I was just able to catch up. Wow, it looks like you are having a great Moving trip. as far as driving with no shoes, I love to drive with no shoes, and I have never heard of a law that you had to wear shoes. The pictures are Great and I think you should write a book about your journeys, they are very interesting, I really enjoyed catching up, thanks for keeping us posted.
  11. Sending lots of prayers and white light. Ohhh No, I just read your full update and I am just so very sorry.
  12. 4greyhounds


    I am so very Sorry. Run Free Snowy
  13. I am so Sorry. Run Free Rico
  14. I am so Sorry, I cried when I read this and my heart goes out to you, I lost my baby 10-days after his dental and I never knew it was his last days. Know that he loved you very much and you were a very good mommy, you did not know.... Happy Birthday and Got Cha day at the Bridge, sweet baby. Edit to add lots of hugs for mommy:
  15. I bet it is also seasonal allergies. My Jazz has them and we give her Benadryl per the vets instructions. It sounds like the same thing. I hope he feels better real soon.
  16. I am so Happy that he is getting better. That is Great news! You are the BEST to be taking such good care of him.
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