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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. I am happy to hear that Polli, is ok.... Mommy can you get just a little bit of rest? Polli give mommy some extra loving, you are such a sweet girl!
  2. Pat, I am so deeply sorry. You will be in my thoughts and prayers... Run Free Tiger Power! Until your mommy meets you again...
  3. I am so very sorry!!!! Run Free Bell
  4. I am very happy that it was something simple to treat, sending more hugs for mommy and Misty.
  5. Greyt News!!! I am happy to hear that you are feeling better...
  6. I am so very sorry. That was a beautiful Tribute. Run Free Thunder!!!!
  7. I am so sorry, we are sending lots of prayers. Poor Baby...
  8. We are sending prayers for a quick recovery and hugs too.
  9. I am so very sorry. Run Free Brook
  10. Sending more prayers and very happy to hear that the weight is up....
  11. Congratulations!!!! He is Gorgeous!!!!!
  12. I am so Happy to hear that she is home... Hope she feels better....
  13. Sending more prayers and white light. We pray that test results come back and you get some answers...
  14. Miss Polli, I am so happy you are healing and looking Greyt... It always brings a smile to see your cute little face, I wish I could Sqqquuueeeezze you. Sending you and mommy lots of hugs...
  15. Ember you are looking greyt. But you are the cutest no matter what....
  16. Sending lots of prayers for a positive outcome.... I read through the thread but I am very sorry I have no experience. :grouphug :hope
  17. Sending lots more prayers and hugs.
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