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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. I am sending lots of Hugs and lots of prayers....
  2. Holly, He is Gorgeous!!!! You are such a Wionderful person to take him in and take care of him!!!!! I love the pictures of him with the donkeys!!!!
  3. 4greyhounds

    Sweet Hurry

    I am so very sorry!!!!!!!
  4. Very Happy to hear that Elsie is home. We will be praying for good results from the Biopsy. :hope
  5. I am very sorry I just now saw this but I am happy to hear Poppy is coming home. We will be saying prayers for a speedy recovery..... :grouphug :hope
  6. I am so very sorry!!!!!
  7. Sending lots of Prayers for Elsie and many hugs!!!!!!!
  8. 4greyhounds


    I am so very sorry!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Congratulations she is Gorgeous!!!!!! She got the Best Birthday Present ever her Forever Home!!!! Happy Birthday Lucy!!!!!! :
  10. Glad to hear that he is feeling a little bit better!!!!! Hopes the pain goes away soon!
  11. I am so very sorry......... You all will be in our thoughts and prayers.........
  12. I know Dee Can't wait to get her girl home!!!!!! Please give her kisses from us...
  13. What a Beautiful way to express their Tribute....
  14. I am really sorry I just got home from work and just now seeing this. We are very happy everything went good with no extractions for Lass!!!! Praying for a speedy recovery from the spay and is back to herself and no time.... Happy Belated Birthday Lass!!!! We are sure mommy spoiled you.... :confetti :b-day Edit: Sorry PiPi but I am sure that Lss would still love for you to come see her!
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