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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. Well, sounds like everything is headed in the right direction anyway. SO glad you have water now!
  2. She will rest now in peace thanks to her strong mom. My thoughts are with you.
  3. Hi Buzzy! We remember you and Sweetpea fondly from Eric and Anne's playgroup. You didn't mention how it's known that Sweetpea hurt her neck, as opposed to a shoulder or something else. How'd you figure it out? You're right that something might be wrong that x-ray doesn't show or doesn't show well. I don't want to make this about us, but we just had an MRI on Shane that showed a "healed" but still problematic injury to his pelvis, while the earlier x-rays didn't show that it was a problem. He's about to start rehab, using hydrotherapy, massage and range of motion work. But for the last two years acupuncture and chiro adjustments have gotten him through, from a practitioner that comes up to Kent every two weeks. That's as far north as she goes, I'm afraid, but she's really good and less expensive than most, I'm told ($65). They're having a "sale" on MRI's in Tacoma, in honor of their new neurologist; let me know if you want to know more. I'm so sorry that Missy Sweetpea is having trouble. Not to mention what the prednisone and 18 outs per day did to you! Wishing you both relief now and in the New Year!
  4. Thank you for sharing her with us. She was a beautiful girl, as were her DH and pup in that photo -- and as are you! I'm so sorry she had to go. :f_pink
  5. A UTI too? What's Goldie taking for that? We're with you, waiting for results, hoping for good things.
  6. I'm so very sorry for everything you're going through! I hope you have supportive friends and family by your side to get you through this. We're here for you on GT in any case, but you need some real hugs! Here are some very warm and sincere virtual ones. :grouphug :grouphug
  7. Whew, that was a long hard slog, wasn't it! Glad you finally have an answer and it's something you can work with. Hugs and scritches to you and Stella, respectively.
  8. Glad you're considering this from a medical rather than a behavioral viewpoint. Poor pup! Hope you can get it figured out before too long.
  9. I also think every greyhound should be TBD tested. And my lack of faith in norms is getting to be well-known. It makes me very sad to see how confident people can be that nothing's wrong if the values are within normal range. Anybody but me old enough to remember when normal human blood pressure was considered to be "140 plus your age"?!
  10. greyhead


    Strider was a handsome, hard-working, well-loved athlete. I'm sorry he couldn't stay longer.
  11. Oh dear. Glad you took Kota to the vet. I hope the renal diet improves things. Let us know how it goes, okay?
  12. That was a wonderful tribute to a well-loved Millie. I'm so sorry she had to go.
  13. Well, I'm from the better-safe-thans-sorry school of thought -- now that I've reformed from the errors of my past! I'd have an exam by a vet with "good hands" as well as bloodwork done. That might show if there's a sensitive area that needs further investigation, because there are a lot of organs involved in digestion. Bloodwork couldnl't hurt. I'm sure there's a lot on your plate right now. Hopefully someone with more focused personal experience with see this and reply too. My only experience with morning eating difficulty is the dog with the eventual IBD. He used to not want to eat in the morning, and he'd have lots of stomach gurgling. That turned out to be hookworm, and treating it took care of it ...more or less. He has never been a "morning dog." He maintains the morning food refusal now when his IBD is bothering him, like if I over-fed him the night before and gave him gas. But actually vomiting puts it in a different category, one where a vet consult sounds like a good idea to me, especially considering his age. I hope you'll let us know how things progress.
  14. For how many days has she been throwing up in the morning? It could be a bad batch of food, certainly, but the fact that she seems to keep one meal a day down suggests otherwise perhaps. I made the mistake of letting an intestinal infection go too long without being diagnosed, meanwhile changing foods, etc. My dog wound up with permanent IBD and now can't eat anything but venison. So I wouldn't wait a long time before consulting a vet.
  15. I'm kinda glad to hear that. Just taking all your circumstances into account, it sounds like it might create more problems than it solves.
  16. The main thing with the tricylic class in humans is anticholinergic side effects, which include dry mouth and dizziness when standing. Don't know a thing about how they act on dogs, I'm afraid. But I'd expect those side effects and Google it to get an idea of what else might be seen. In general, the side effects are more annoying than dangerous, but extra care/supervision on stairs and getting into and out of the car, for instance, would be prudent. Hope the Tofranil helps.
  17. Good to hear from you, Dee. You and Goldie are never real far from my mind, and I can hardly wait for Tuesday to get here, so I can't imagine what it's like for you! Hang in there and...nap during the day? Holding anxious and hopeful thoughts for Rainey and his mom too.
  18. Carrie, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know you must be devastated. But for what it's worth, you gave Shep a very wonderful life that any hound could envy. And I'm so happy for him that he had that, as well as happy for you that he brought you into the world of greyhounds. You did all you could. Remember the good times. :grouphug
  19. We've had similar problems with our Shane. He loves to go for walks, but he slows way down after while, sometimes within a couple blocks! X-rays don't show a problem, but his back hips have become progressingly skewed. We're having an MRI tomorrow to answer that very question, of how much and what kind of exercise. If he has a disk problem or something like that, getting him into swimming or walking too hard would be a bad thing. I'll let you know what we find, if anything. Meanwhile, you have my sympathies! It's very confusing, especially when he does zoomies in the back yard just fine! But apparently there can be a movement problme at one gait or speed of movement and not at others.
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