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Posts posted by Charla

  1. Ducky, I'm so sorry PUdge had to leave. She always made me smile. Run free sweet girl and find your Gracie ...If you see her give my Gracie a sniff or two.

  2. My beautiful dancing girl Gracie Rose, AKA Cee Bar Xtreme 2/17/2002 - 1/23/2014, left me today. Gracie came to live with me in October 2006 when I retired, she was retired too so it worked for both of us.

    Gracie was full of love, joy, dances and opinions all of which she shared with wild abandon. She loved to dance and prance, twist and twirl ; she would run full tilt and sliiiiide across the tile on purpose and, I swear ... grin at me!

    No paper towel, Kleenex or T-Paper tube was safe, the girl loved to shred and spread her art throughout the house :D

    In the evenings she liked to get my attention by stomping her front feet, flapping her ears and jingling her tags. Once she had my attention she would proceed to have a conversation with me, she was extremely vocal with quite and assortment of grumbles, mumbles, moans and woofs. She would moan and groan, pausing for me to speak, and then continue with her thoughts on the subject.

    She loved ear skritches, inserting her nose between my legs thus putting her bunny soft ears and neck in the perfect receiving position.

    I'll miss her bossy ways, zany sense of humor and world class stink eye.

    I kept my promise sweetheart, no pain. You filled my heart with love and you'll be there forever.


    I met her cooling off in a bucket of water.




    Told you it was Whirled Class!




    My beautiful Gracie Rose



  3. Carol Ann and Dan, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know Specky is leaving a huge empty space in your house, but remember that your heart is full of her. Run free sweet girl. I'm relearning that every day we have with them is precious and it's hard.

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