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Posts posted by Charla

  1. They have been used medically in the hospital where I worked, but usually for circulation ... tip of finger or in my favorite patient her dog bit part of her nose off. You can re attach but there is no little to no circulation back from the attached part and it eventually dies. With leeches, they drain off excess fluid and keep the swelling down so whatever circulation there is is easier. They are sterile, kept in special vials and refrigerated, single patient items. We use sterile maggots in wound care too, they're usually encased in a gauzy dressing to keep down the yuck factor

  2. Trazadone was a wonder drug for my girl Gracie, she hid in the closet and shook so hard that she rattled the doors, panted, paced and drooled. On Trazadone she was comfortable, a bit sleepy, but not drunk or wobbly. She actually walked outside to pee during the worst part of the evening. There is no loading dose, it's very quick acting and no after effects the next day.

  3. Run free sweet Poodle.


    Pam, I'm so sorry Poodle had to leave, I always enjoyed reading about him in your posts and I know how much you loved him. Remember that he's curled up there in your heart.

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