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Everything posted by jenners

  1. Oh, sweetie I wish I could help. I'm praying for health for Otis and peace for you and your household. Jennifer
  2. And I would ask you to post a pic of that for educational purposes Jennifer
  3. Oh dear, poor sweet Otis! It might be good to fax or call in those values from Booker's Mom to your new vet, just to be sure he has them, and I will hold Otis in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Jennifer
  4. I'm so sorry What a blessing for you and Allie that she could cross at home, what a WONDERFUL blessing. I have many beloved animal companions already across the Bridge; I'll tell them to welcome Allie and show her around . I hope she likes hedgehogs; they'll show her where the are. Warm hugs and , Jennifer
  5. Good news, EmilyAnne and Henry Jennifer
  6. Oh, EmilyAnne, please give Henry a gentle from the hedgegirls and me. I think I'd suggest the vet tomorrow regardless, so you can discuss a possible medication change. Is Henry wearing his cute jimjams tonight? Jennifer
  7. I've had to help more pets cross the Bridge than I would wish - (if only they lived exactly as long as we did ) and if a home euthanasia had been an option at any time, I would have gladly chosen that. No matter how wonderful visits to the vet are (and sometimes they are), they are still stressful and different and have funny noises and lots of people and animals and commotion ... I think it would be lovely for your sweetie to cross quietly in her own home, on her own bed, with only her loved ones and her doctor with her Jennifer in sympathy
  8. Thank you all for the articles and peroxide info; I have saved them in my dog health files. Jennifer
  9. Hmmmm, 8 isn't that old, but this sounds like possibly some dementia to me; as if she's forgetting where she is or what she wants to do, or what she meant to do, which scares her, causing the panting and heart racing. I wonder if your Mom's vet would know much about that, or if you could do some reading up on it? Here's some information http://tinyurl.com/ytl2fu Jennifer
  10. Oh, Flashman, dear boy, please feel OK soon. Jennifer
  11. Oh, thank doG he's OK. Talica used to do the GSoD when she was palpated, too, but the change in peeing and certainly the blood must have been quite scary You are hysterical writing as Otis; I was snorting stuff out my nose. Jennifer
  12. jenners


    Oh, the sweet grin on her face in the roaching photo I can see she must have been a real honey, I'm sorry she had to go Hugs, Jennifer
  13. jenners


    Godspeed, dear girl. You are loved ; you will be missed; you are precious to all of us Jennifer
  14. Hmmmm. It looks like what she had was the combo because it says "Heartworm Lyme Erlichia x 2". Certainly some of Talica's symptoms look like the symptoms above. She's always been covered by Frontline since last May; could a tick have slipped by, or could she have gotten exposed before she was taken off-track? I'm calling the vet tomorrow who ran the tests (they weren't done at the "U", my usual vet school, but by a vet I saw for a 2nd opinion on her foot) to see just what the results were and what they might mean. I was just told "Negative". Thanks for all this info! Jennifer & Talica
  15. It says Erlichea x 2. Jennifer & Talica
  16. Uh oh, more of this??? Check out this link for my similar problems with Talica. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=170070 Jennifer
  17. OK, Talica was tested for Lyme Disease and Erlichia in January of this year. What other TBD should she be tested for? Jennifer & Talica
  18. Sweetie, you are doing such a loving thing for your sweet girlie, but it is normal and right to feel sad; she's been such an important part of your life. It will NOT hurt. If you can possibly be there with her (and I have been through this far too many times, and also with wild animals since I volunteer at several rehab centers, and so I KNOW it is very very very hard and you will hurt and you will cry, but ...), if you can possibly try, I think you should try to be there with her. It will help you to see how painlessly and peacefully she will be able to say goodbye, and it will help you to touch her warm and wonderful fur in a goodbye. If you truly can't, you can't, and there is no fault in that. But please be open to thinking that you can, my dear. You are doing what she so needs, and doing it in love. Jennifer & Talica & the Hedgegirlz
  19. Just back from the vet's ... I will see which TBD have been tested for and get the ones which haven't ... we are running a complete thyroid panel, the spleen has been rechecked and has not grown, we are checking for MG ... now it's a waiting game for lab results to come back. Thanks, everyone! Jennifer & Talica
  20. Oh, AND the skin on her butt and tummy has turned black instead of pink; the skin pigment itself, that is Jennifer & Talica
  21. Talica has been flopping down on the ground while walking; sometimes every few steps, other times not at all and she's her rompy self. She is sometimes happy and rompy at day care, but this weekend when I just took her there for a morning romp, they called me to pick her up as she was acting odd and depressed, and they have started giving her time outs at 4 PM until I can pick her up at 5:30 PM because she gets tired. Yesterday we were at the e-vet because she couldn't walk 5 steps without lying down; and getting her up is very difficult. I'm afraid she'll flop down in the road They found (and continue to find ) nothing wrong with her, but in the last few months she has had: Gagging and vomiting An enlarged spleen Tiredness and collapsing Bloated tummy and need to lie down after eating The e-vet just sort of threw out Myasthenia Gravis, but didn't seem to think it was a *real* possibility, but I sure do! We have an appointment this morning with Medicine, and I will ask for a test for MG; thoughts, anyone? Jennifer & Talica
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