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Posts posted by galgrey

  1. Depends on the dog. Some test boundries as they settle in and some are never a problem from day one. Congrats on you new guy!

    :nod I've had two come in straight off the track and were almost perfect and I've had two that were challenging for various reasons. Keep the routine you've got going that seems to be working really well and he'll probably be fine. Some of them are just easy like that.

    And congrats on your new boy! :confetti Post picture when you can!

  2. The vet should have kept him and monitored him. Rimadyl can cause IMHA and that is very serious. Tell them to treat as if it is a side effect of the Rimadyl. The faster they are, the better his chance of surviving. If they don't believe you, tell them to read the product insert.


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