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Posts posted by galgrey

  1. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and good wishes! They are working! The mole hasn't grown anymore. Both of the previous ones grew so fast they practically doubled in size everyday. This one seems more stable. The vet couldn't fit us in today, and tomorrow I will be too busy. Hopefully we will get there before the end of the week. Need to take Zola too, because I think her diabetes is flaring up again :( Thanks again everyone for your kind wishes and prayers for my boy.

    :hope Sending more! Keep us posted.

  2. Georgiajed, welcome to GT. Please consider starting a new topic for your post-surgical food question regarding Beau. That way more GTers will see your question to respond in a new thread.


    Also, if interested, there is an all breed group for LP dog owners. Many of the members' dogs have been through successful tie-back surgery, and have experience about post-surgical options. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/lp/info


    Whatever you decide to feed during recovery, please run it by your vet to ensure it's safe for your Greyhound's recent tie-back needs. It's my understanding that certain foods that can be shaped into balls (shaped like meatballs) work well, but my hounds have not had tie-back surgery. If you feed any human foods, please do not add any spices -- garlic, onion etc. are toxic to dogs.



    Other readers: This is an old thread. The OP's hound, Dylan did have tie-back surgery but experienced complications. Most sadly, Dylan did not survive.


  3. My second greyhound, Keno,had laryngeal paralysis. I suspected it from the symptoms I read online, but my vet said he'd never seen or heard of it in a greyhound and felt it was allergies and treated it as such. I'm not sure it was related to the LP, but about a year later he had started having intermittent lameness and fever and enlarged lymph nodes. He was tested for TBD and lymphoma, both negative. Then at 2:00 am on New Year's Day 2007 he couldn't breathe and I rushed him to the emergency vet. I thought he was going to die before I got him there. It was horrible. He was sedated and intubated just in time to save his life. They confirmed he had bilateral LP and unspecified neurological issues. He was a few weeks short of 13. When they removed the tube, he couldn't breathe and became very distressed, so I made the decision to let him go.


    I'm sorry to hear you've gotten this diagnosis, but many dogs live normal lives after a tie back. Sending good thoughts your way. Oh, and I would definitely get a surgical consult from a vet experienced with the tie back surgery.

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