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Posts posted by galgrey

  1. Just read about this and thought I'd mention a product I saw advertised in Animal Wellness Magazine. It's call Serin Vet.


    "Serenin Vet™ is a unique blend of 11 natural and complementary ingredients, which down-regulate the many triggers that over-stimulate the canine brain, leading to undesirable and damaging behaviors." They mention anxiety and noise phobia. Here's a link to the article and a list of the ingredients if you're interested: http://www.animalwellnessmagazine.com/articles/natural-help-for-anxiety-and-behavioral-problems/


    Hope you find something that works for him soon. :grouphug

  2. Happy Gotcha Day to Seamie! :confetti :confetti :confetti


    I agreed to foster a "plain jane brindle senior with no personality" many years ago. Our area adoption coordinator said those four strikes (plain brindle, senior, no personality and not cat safe) would make her almost impossible to re-home. I thought right away that she was a beautiful little girl and after she recovered from her depression over being dumped by her family of six years, the most awesome personality emerged. I fell madly in love with her and didn't want to let her go. When I called the adoption coordinator and told her I wanted to adopt her, she was astonished that I would want her when there were so many "beautiful, young dogs" available. This was my beloved Chloe. I had three short but wonderful years with her and 9 years later hardly a day passes that I don't think of her and how special and lovely she was. I was so blessed to have her in my life.


    Some people just can't see a diamond right in front of their face. And Seamie is definitely a diamond. :beatheart

  3. I think coconut oil is miraculous stuff. I cook with it and my dogs eat it in their food or off a spoon daily. Both of my girls are pretty hairy so I've no experience with using it for hair loss, but it cleared up Carly's stinky skin infection (yeast) and it also makes a great toothpaste for dogs and people due to its natural antibacterial properties. Here's an article about the benefits for dogs: http://dogingtonpost.com/benefits-of-coconut-oil-for-dogs/#.U0cYkldOyNE

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