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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. He's beautiful, congrats and welcome home big boy!
  2. I am uncomfortable with chriopractor measures for the DOG only becasue they get manipulated a lot and the dog can not tell the doctor if it hurts. I would prefer the acupunture route, which is more benign of the 2. That's a personal preference.
  3. I am so sorry to hear this. Hugs and prayers your way.
  4. She should be on Glucosomine, and other really good supplements. Polli and my others are and Polli thinks she is 4!!! www.greyhoundgang.com Alll proceeds from the sale go to the hounds.
  5. Then you should definitely not waste your money on any homeopathic remedys
  6. That's where Teddy's pain is. With Teddy is't the C 4-5-6 disks which is why he is being treated. where are Alan's disk issues?
  7. ***UPDATE*** Just got back from vet. Pigment on nose-- don't worry. Looks like some sort of trauma Dripping nose- don't worry-- it was clear, could be allergies. Urine-- YUCK. It did have blood in it, (hematuria) so we will keep her on the clavamox for 10 datys. The UA will come back tomorrow and the culture & sensitivity will take till Friday or Saturday. She had a full blood panel done in February so the vet was not overly concerned about her kidneys. I asked about stones since I know that hematuria often shows up with stones. Dogs don't get kidney stones, they get bladder stones and GH don't normally get bladder stones. IF the culture comes back negative, we will do a bladder x-ray. Basically we are hoping that something shows up in the culture so that we can treat it and forget it! So, all in all, not too bad. Oh and she didn't charge me the extra $30.00 for the emergency visit
  8. I took a picture to show you but wouldn't you know that photobucket is down. I have to take a shower as I am still is work clothes and make up from 7 am this morning, I've been feeding them and cleaning carpet. Then I have to feed my PITA Polli sweet heart and then run over to the vet. DH offered to take her, but she will be scared out of her mine so I'd rather go with her.
  9. I JUST noticed on Chloe's needlenose there is a tiny patch of black missing. It's pink. Teeny, tiny, 1/2 the size of my pinky fingernail. I believe she has a UTI and I just collected her pee to drop off and started her on the clavamox and I just noticed her nose was dripping clear fluid. I called the vet AGAIN and offered to pay for their "immediate" care for an addional $30.00. So, I have a 9PM appointment but at least my baby will be taken care of this evening. I hate making her wait if she is uncomfortable. She appears 100% fine and happy, thank goodness. Fingers crossed for nothing serious, for my baby girl.
  10. Vet called. Said to bring sample in either before 9 tonight or after refrigeration, in the morning. I can start her on Clavamox after I get the sample. Sigh. It's always something.
  11. I will get a sample and drop it off, I have to wait for her to go. The vet's office closes at 9 so we have some time. Is this instant results?
  12. I believe Chloe has a UTI. She has peed in the bedroom on the carpet 2x since last night and is peeing more on walks. I asked DH to get a sample while on a walk after dinner and when she went to squat 3 drops came out and it's pretty dark. Vet can not see us tonight. They are booked which is uncommon, but it is what it is. I can bring her in tomorrow night. But NOW, there is a problem. I can collect more urine as the night goes on and bring it in but I would like to start treating it. I have 400 mg of amocillin, 375 mg of clavamox and other antibiotics. Suggestions?
  13. Patti- I can't begin to count how many times my pack has been limping. Polli- my now 9.5 limped for 6 weeks. I had had her xrayed. Chloe has an old injury that flares up from time to time and beau sometimes, out of the blue will be tripoding. Sometimes that will last 3 weeks. Currently, Teddy is limping severely and we are doing acupunture to try and help him. What I am trying to say is that it isn't always something horrible. One step at a time. Have her checked out and go from there if it doesn't relieve itself in 3 days or so. When is she going to the vet? You've got my prayers.
  14. I felt exactly as you do, and also felt that way about acupuncture.But if my vet suggests something, I trust him enough to try it. I don't think Homeopathic remedies alone are sufficient for severe pain, but along with traditional meds, they do help. And even if it's just a little, that is that much more comfort I can offer, and that's good enough for me. Yup, me too. I can't knock it if it's working!
  15. RobinM


    I am so sorry for your loss. Run Free Kiowa
  16. Beau had the SAME EXACT looking thingy. It was under his armpit. I kept rubbing it, it would bleed but it never went away so I brought him in and the vet cauterized it and said if it grew back she would have to cut it out and stitch it. So far, so good, it hasn't grown back.
  17. I am truly sorry to learn of Emmy's diagnosis. I know with all the love and support in your home, she will be back on track in no time. Hugs and continued prayers to you all.
  18. Ditto the question. Does vet think thyroid might not be his problem and is looking for something else? FWIW, the Nature's Recipe foods are all pretty low calorie per volume -- something like that might make him feel more full while not adding many calories. You could supplement them with some boiled chicken or beef or egg, to boost the protein a bit. Our Flashman is having a full thyroid profile done at Michigan State and he has to be off the Soloxine for at least 6 weeks. We did the same thing with Chloe last year. We had to wait 6 weeks and it was hard because her old behavior showed up and my sweet Chloe was gone. We did not have an issue with her weight, but she was lethagic. It was hard not to put her back on, but somehow we to through it. I hope it gets better for the Flahsman.
  19. I've had no internet at work today, it was down and all I kept thinking about was Emmy. Is there any way they can stop the progression. Hugs and prayers your way.
  20. It had been all solid or pretty close to solid when we got her. Over time, it's "bleaching out". Just kinda strange. It's not seasonal.
  21. When Chloe first came home 1.5 years ago, I could have sworn her belly was a solid color. Now, it looks like this. it has definitely changed pigmentation. Normal?
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