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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. RobinM


    I am so sorry.
  2. Welcome. We have 4 hounds and ours have various quirks that we just deal with. Sometimes if they are disinterested in something they can appear aloof but in the sanction of their own home where they are the most comfortable, they don't have a aloof hair on their body. They are loving, dedicated, sweet and for the most part docile pups.
  3. Congrats and best of luck. I also want to mention that for poop bags we use the ones we get at the supermarket. The plastic biodegradable ones that you can tie shut. We grab A LOT of them when we pack our bags up. Stuffed kongs to keep your boy busy when you leave and any toes with grunters or squeakers are a good thing. Can't wait to see pictures of your boy.
  4. Spoke to the vet who does Teddy's acupuncture. We are going to give it a try. As he said, it can't hurt. I discussed my concerns about sticking needles into Beau. Beau is NOT stoic, does not suffer well and will scream and cry whenever anyone comes near him. Nails, teeth brushing (can't do) regular immunizations turn into horror hotel with Beau. He did suggest that DH take Beau, rather than me since I tend to get all worked up when it comes to Beau and that will only add to Beau's discomfort. So, I will post an update after Beau gets his fist round of acupunture next Thursday. 2 dogs 4 years old with acupunture. I sure hope we can get a discount!
  5. Very sad and very scary. Sending white lights and prayers for Faye and you.
  6. can you dab the powder up and put it in another pocket to give her? What kind of pill is it and when is she due for another? Is it BID or TID? ETA- I realized you may not know I meant 2x or 3x a day?
  7. This seems like it's been forever. The head vet reviewed Beau's films. They did see something that no one else did. Everyone is in agreement that there are no cancerous lesions. (thank GOD) His knees and hips are a "non issue". There is arthritis in his right toe but that could not be causing the lameness and pain that happens frequently. From the pictures of Beau laying on his back, there are disc spacing issues. The next step would have to be an MRI but the vet does not feel it's necessary at this time. She did say that we may want to try acupunture. Teddy goes every other week for maintenance so we may be bringing Beau to start. At least we have some answers. Nothing totally concrete, but we are starting to narrow it down. In the meantime, he has been GREYT, happy, crazy and totally, totally lives for his walks. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. It helps in so many ways.
  8. RobinM

    I Am So Sad

    No words. I am so sorry.
  9. When this happened to our pack recently, it was hook worms. They had to be treated. I would bring in another stool sample to rule out worms again. Flagyl works well for non worms BIG d.
  10. Thinking of you today. hugs.
  11. RobinM


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  12. Yeesh Mary. I know the vet is concerned and we have been just waiting. I think that the next step will ultimately have to be an MRI to see what is going on that is not shown in the x-rays. To do exploratory surgery without a plan... doesn't sit well with me. he is so young, so full of love and life and even with his discomfort, the only thing he lives for is his walkies. All the others can give or take it, but Beau loves loves loves to walk. He even loves walking in the rain!!! I too hope whatever it is, is easily treatable and keeps him comfortable.
  13. No, he has not been tested. Could this be LS?
  14. Beau has had a series of problems in his right leg where he had his original accident back in May of '07. The last set of ex-rays showed what looked like a possible shadow on the bone which the vet did not think it was cancer and that was confirmed by OSU, but what they did see, confused them. Something is going on in the hip area. Not hip dysplasia but something. The ortho at my vet consulted and said the same thing. Now his films are on their way to Cornell for their opinion of what it could be. He has been limp free for several weeks again and now, again, all of a sudden, it does look like it's in his hips. He leg is a bit turned in and it's the left leg which it never was before. His hips are not functioning properly. He just turned 4 years old. Does anyone have any clue as to what this could be and what we can do for him? ETA- It is the right leg. It's so hard to pin point. His hips just don't look right.
  15. Just saw your update. So glad she will be OK.
  16. Please please update as soon as you speak to or go to EVET. My prayers are with you all.
  17. Gosh, I remember the day she left us. It was when Polli was on the hauler on her way to me. Angie had won oldest GH on GT but never got to wear her fleece so you were kind enough to donate it to Polli. Polli proudly wears her fleece in memory of her friend Angel Angie. Run Free beautiful girl- you are missed and loved by many.
  18. Just for the record, my dogs have been on monthly of interceptor.... Anyway, today they are much better. Poop is soft but not like yesterday. When Teddy walks away from food, I KNOW he is not feeling well!!
  19. Yup. that's what we use to. I was turned on to this by Dr. Bill Feeman so if it's good enough for his dogs, it's good for mine too!
  20. Just got call back from the vet. Quite honestly, I have no idea what I gave them. I'm not sure it was drontal or panacur but it was $305.00 for all of them!!! She was not surprised at all, said I can give flagyl and I should wait a week before bringing in the new sample. Hope it passed.
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