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About Fudge

  • Birthday 09/19/1956

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    Hope & Zoe my two grey girls. I love to walk with them, nap with them and take rides with them and do just about everything with them.

Fudge's Achievements

Sr Grey Lover

Sr Grey Lover (6/9)

  1. My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  2. I see Kirkland Lamb and Rice at Jet.com I accidently came across it while looking for a hard to find hairspray I use.
  3. Washable pee pads by the back door or on the spot they like to pee
  4. Thanks for the update.....yes I can't believe how fast they come back! Hopefully, you and Castle will get a little break from corn hulling
  5. Awww, making her doggie nest how sweet
  6. We get the 2 step vaccine here in Pennsylvania it's required for any dogs staying in my Vet's hospital for any procedures or boarding now.
  7. I guess with the right conditions as you say rain and mud. Just wondering...Maybe a reaction to the Abreva?? My corn dog's corns never seemed divet deep enough for anything to get infected.
  8. Ditto! But making sure she is not suffering while an answer is being found.
  9. I've helped 4 of my greys over the bridge, most emergencies that had to be at a vets hospital but my last big girl, Zoe, I was able to plan and have a mobile vet come to our home. All this vet does is euthanasias. It was the most peaceful passing of all experienced. They took her away in a black PT Cruiser. The cost was VERY reasonable here in central Pennsylvania $350 with a communal cremation and burial but her name is on a plaque. I'm so sorry you had such an experience
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