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Posts posted by Tallgreydogmom

  1. We have 3 spooks. They do not leave the house unless they are going to the vet. They prefer to sit on the couch or in the rocking chair. Yes, they sit in the chair and rock.


    They are comfortable in our home environment. They go outside to potty then want to come right back inside. They each have their own spot to sleep. The really true spook will lay on her bed and roach. If she has to go to the vet she crawls on her stomach across the parking lot.


    We usually carry them if they have to leave the house. We do have the spook harness's and leads for them.

  2. We have a destroyer. He wears a muzzle with a muzzle cup when we are not right with him for his own safety. We crate him when we go out so he doesn't have to wear his muzzle all the time. We have special blankets for him as he has so much fun with the stuffing in a comforter. DH sits in his chair most of the evening and watches TV. Our destroyer spends the evenings sleeping without his muzzle on the couch next to DH.


    Best of luck. We've been there.

  3. The thundershirt works for us with anxious fosters. I think it's the compression around the chest that calms them down. Thanks for adopting Serendipity. Is there anyone in Canada that sells them or might want to resell their shirt?


    We also make them a den by throwing a dark colored cloth over their crate.

  4. We lay these incontinence pads in their pp spots. They are washable. On rainy days just lay a few in front of the door for wet feet.


    Sometimes the old kids just can't hold it. Just like humans. These are the ones we purchase.


    Size : 34" x 52" Capacity : Absorbs 1600 cc

    34" x 52"

    Capacity Absorbs 1600cc

    Model Number: ISG13452


    Your Price (Each): $9.35



  5. What is Tex's racing name and where was he hauled from in Florida? If it's one of the usual groups that does the hauls they would probably like to know he is sick. Sometimes they know where the greyhound has been before the haul. If he came out of a racing kennel they might have some idea about him.

  6. I see his racing weight was 83 pounds. I think the recommended weight is something like 5 pounds over their racing weight. Has he thought about taking a few pounds off to see if that makes a difference?


    He might have some corns that have not shown up yet. I wonder about x-rays of where he is licking to see if their is a change in his bone.

  7. she does have run of the whole house.


    I would limit her to the kitchen or a few rooms to start. She is probably not use to so much freedom and getting off kilter. Leave her out until she pee's and poo's twice at least. If she is right off the track she may be use to being rotated between 3 or 4 areas to go in before she has to go back inside.


    At the track I was at they only have their water when they are outside. Maybe try the water outside. I keep a small bowl inside but the large water bowl is outside.


    You will have to learn her potty routine.

  8. Make sure you let them know you want one for therapy work. You might consider asking for a return. They already are broken in and know the ropes. They usually are returned due to people problems rather than dog problems. You also might consider fostering until you find the right one.


    I currently take our greyhound to visit at nursing homes. All I need is a copy of the rabies certificate. I started out with Delta Society but felt it wasn't what I needed. I just wanted to visit nursing homes.


    There are various ways to get certified. I'd rather be able to visit and work on certification as I go along. I didn't want to have to get certified first.

  9. We have a kennel pet also. He kept being returned for pulling down curtain, un-stuffing chairs and going thru the drawers and cabinets.


    It took a few years but he has finally settled down. We muzzled and crated him. We felt bad doing it as he was not muzzled at the kennel. We did keep him supplied with bones from the butcher store. He would jump our inner fence (dog area) and take himself for a run in the outer area. He would stop when he was dragging.


    He likes to sit in our laps. He likes to sleep on the bed but needs to be muzzled and checked on often.


    Best of Luck

  10. Irish greyhound is recognized by the line of hair on the back of the neck which goes in the opposite direction


    Very Interesting


    I know some of my kids have this hair going the opposite direction. I'll have to check their pedigree.

  11. Fenbendazole is Panacur. You might want to figure out how much you will need and search online for a bottle? Compare costs with your vets. Maybe your vet will sell you a bottle. Ask if your vet will help you figure the dosage of a paste also. That's just an idea.


    I believe some folks here use Safe-Guard (Fenbendazole) Equine... Maybe one of them will jump in.

  12. I found this


    Capillaria aerophila

    Although usually parasites of the frontal sinuses, trachea, bronchi, and rarely nasal cavities of foxes, Capillaria aerophila are found in dogs and other carnivores. They are 25-35 mm long. The females produce eggs with bipolar plugs that resemble those of whipworms; however, their shells are colorless to greenish and pitted. The eggs are laid in the lungs, coughed up and swallowed, and passed in the feces. The eggs can be identified from either tracheal washes and bronchoalveolar lavage or fecal flotation. The life cycle is direct; dogs become infected through consumption of feed or water contaminated with larvated eggs. After hatching in the intestine, the larvae reach the lungs and bronchi via the circulatory system. They mature ~40 days after infection. Clinical signs include coughing, sneezing, and nasal discharge. Treatment may be attempted through extended administration of fenbendazole (50 mg/kg, PO, bid for 10-14 days) or with ivermectin (300-400 µg/kg, SC, once).

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