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Everything posted by AstasMinion

  1. Thanks for the ideas -- will find stickers and try the cotton ball test.
  2. We've had really good luck using NutriVet treats with glucosamine in them. I don't know the amount per serving offhand, though. Two or three treats a day keep her left hind leg from dropping.
  3. Kydie, thanks -- hoping it was just excitement. I feel like her vision has changed, possibly though, from other things I've seen her do just a little differently. We'll just keep an eye on her!
  4. Our vet charges $24 (up from $18 just 6 months ago) for clipping and $45 for the Dremel!!!! No thank you. We found someone who does a fab job, better than we do for sure, for just $7.
  5. Not really adding anything, but we've had good luck with epsom salt soaks for feetsie problems. Hope that works and just clears up soon!
  6. Asta has a doggie door that leads to a deck w/stairs down to the yard. She uses it a few times every day. The glass door is always closed unless the people are going in/out. Asta loves to run up the deck stairs and across the deck on her way into the house, and she always slows down as she maneuvers around the table to go through her door. Twice in a relatively short time she has headed for the glass door instead and really bonked her head. She hasn't done that -- that we've seen, anyway -- since right after the doggie door was installed almost 5 years ago. The first one I chalked up to her just being excited and forgetting or thinking the door looked open. The second one happened at night about a week later (last night). So I'm just wondering if her vision has changed . . . or she's forgetting . . . or these were flukes and that's that. Thoughts?
  7. Just sending hugs and a for Iceman whenever he wants it.
  8. Asta had her annual wellness exam plus a round of shots yesterday, and afterward -- through the afternoon and evening -- she needed to relieve herself many more times than is typical. I was surprised by the sheer volume of the output (piddling only), too. She did need to go out EARLY this a.m., but as far as I know she didn't go out overnight. Things seem to have settled down. I'm not worried. Her appetite and energy are good, and she seems just fine. But I don't remember her reacting that way to her shots in the past. Wondering if others have had that experience?
  9. I'm so sorry -- such a heartbreaking time. Prayers sent out for you and your darling Willie.
  10. Welcome to you and pretty Sarah! Love her eyes!
  11. Congrats to you and Capri -- she is a doll!
  12. Welcome, and congrats on your beautiful boy. He looks like a sweetie-pie, and so cute.
  13. Hi there! I don't have many posts, but I was able to post a picture last week using the url from an online photo hosting site. (I know, though, that there are several things I can't do yet . . . add an avatar, I think, and maybe I can't post a non-hosted image or do a photo signature?) Anyway, I use photobucket.com. All you do when you're typing your post is click on the "Insert image" icon -- the one with the tree. It will bring up a box that tells you to enter the url for your image, and you just enter that info as it shows up on your online photo hosting site. Welcome, and good luck! Hope to see a photo of your cutie soon!
  14. Hate to be repetitive, but I just saw your pics and had to say, "WHAT A CUTIE PIE!" I would just love to play with that sweetie, and snuggling up with him to go to sleep sounds divine!
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